NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS & MARKS | 02 30 Marks each |
Set – I
Q1. Define Human Resource Management. Discuss its objectives and Scope. 2+4+4
Human Resource Management: Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is a process of bringing people and organisations together so that the goals of each are met. It is the art of procuring, developing, and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of the organisation.
According to National Institute of Personnel Management, “Human Resource Management is that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship
Q2. Discuss the concept of Human Resource Planning along with the importance of the concept. 3+7
Concept of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is a forward looking function. It tries to assess human resource requirements in advance keeping market fluctuations, demand forecasts and availability of right candidates, etc., in the background. According to Terry, Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a set of tasks that include estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities ; how many people will be available; and what, if anything, must be done to ensure that personnel supply equals personnel demand at an appropriate time in
Q3. What is the Recruitment? List out various factors affecting Recruitment. 3+7
Concept of Recruitment: Recruitment is a linking function. It is a joining process in which it tries to bring together job seekers and employers. The basic purpose of recruitment is to finding the best talent in the job market and absorbing them in the company.
To have good recruitment, it is important to have three elements:
- Attractive compensation
- Better career opportunities
- Good organisational image or reputation (Brand image)
According to
Set – II
Q4. What is meant by Training? Explain various Training Methods. 2+8
Training: Training helps people in choosing, utilising and evaluating their experiences. Different people have defined training in different ways. According to H. John Bernardin, “Training is any attempt to improve employee performance on a currently held job or one related to it.” In other words, we can say that training focuses on current jobs and it is concerned
Q5. Write a detailed note on the concepts of Performance Appraisal along with process of Performance Appraisal. 2+8
Concept of Performance Appraisal:
Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analysing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actual performance and also the future potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an
Q6. Differentiate between Domestic and International Human Resource Management. Also, to discuss the importance of International Human Resource Management. 7+3
Difference between Domestic and International Human
The major differences between domestic and international HRM are:
- More HR activities: The scope of International Human Resource Management is broader than domestic HR. There are number of activities where domestic HR may not be engaged in such as international taxation, international relocation, host government relation, language