BBA 1 sem Jul/Aug 2022 solved assignments MUJ last date is 02 Jan 2023

PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)



Assignment Set – 1


  1. Macro environment include variables which directly or indirectly exert an influence on the business. Do you agree or not? Justify your answer in detail.

Ans: Macro-environment of the organization Macro environment consists of those forces which are external to the firm. They are beyond the control of the firm. Macro environment not only offers opportunities but also poses threats to the firm. Successful firms take advantage of opportunities and convert threats into opportunities. Macro environment

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  1. Define Product Mix. As every human being has different phases in life, alike product follows. Elaborate the statement with suitable examples applicable in each stage of PLC.

Ans: A product mix (also called product assortment) is the set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers.” An organisation with several product lines has a product mix. Product mix need not consist of related products. In other words, product

  1. State the benefits of modern marketing concept. Enumerate how does the understanding of marketing concepts give immense benefits to an organisation?

Ans: Marketing concepts are of immense value to the organisation. Its benefits are as follows:

  1. i) It points out that long term success is assured to an organisation only if the needs of the market are recognised, and the customer’s needs receive top consideration in all business activities.


Assignment Set – 2


  1. The factors which determine consumer behaviour can be grouped into major broad categories. Elaborate categories in detail.

Ans: Determinants of consumer behaviour

The consumer behaviour is a complex field of study as it involves several variable components. Human behaviour is dependent on internal characters of the individual as well as the pressures of the external environment. Similarly, consumer behaviour is also dependent

  1. Discuss the significance of relationship marketing. Elaborate the methods which organization can adopt to enhance relationship with customers?


Ans: Various methods by which an organisation can enhance relationship with customers:

  1. a) The organisation can create goodwill with existing customers.
  2. b) The organisation needs to ensure high profile visibility in the eyes of the customer.
  3. c) Customers can be offered free gifts or discounts, along with the purchase of product. d) Road shows, trade shows or participation in expos enhance brand visibility, along with regular marketing channels of advertisement.
  1. Discuss in detail sequence of steps follow in developing an integrated promotion mix take any example of company at your choice.

Ans: Developing an integrated promotion mix:-

Marketing efforts incorporate the “marketing mix”. Promotion is one element of marketing mix. Integrated promotional activities include advertising (by using different media), sales promotion (sales and trades promotion), and personal selling activities. It also includes Internet marketing, sponsorship marketing, direct marketing, database marketing and public


PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)



Assignment Set – 1


  1. “Business is the product of the Environment”. Explain. Also discuss the relationship between Business and Environment.

Ans: Business is an economic activity: An economic activity is the task of adjusting resources to the targets. Economic activity may be in the form of consumption, production, distribution and exchange. For example, Amul produces Chocolate, Cheese, Paneer and other milk products. Amul is the producer and you are the consumer who consumes the products.

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  1. What are the benefits of Foreign Direct Investment? Also Discuss the impact of FDI policy on Liberalization from Indian Perspective.

Ans: Following are the areas in which the host country may benefit from Foreign Direct Investments:

  1. i) Financial transfer of foreign exchange.
  2. ii) International Trade Channels.


  1. Write short note on the following:
  2. The Companies Act, 2013
  3. The Competition Act, 2002

Ans: a) The Companies Act 2013 regulates the formation and functioning of corporations or companies in India. The first Companies Act after independence was passed in 1956, which governed business entities in the country. The 1956 Act was based on the recommendations of the Bhabha



Assignment Set – 2



  1. Explain the role of the World Trade Organization. Also discuss the principles of WTO.

ANS: Role of the World Trade Organization:-

1) It will facilitate the implementation, administration and operation of world trade agreements.

2) It will provide the forum for trade negotiations among its member countries and will monitor national trade policies.




  1. Why should Social Responsibility be a Social Objective of Business? Explain the barriers to Social Responsibility.

Ans: Since allbusinesses operate in a society they have their responsibility towards various sections of the society. The responsibility may be towards the customers, the society or the community, the Environment and so on. These are outlined below:

Responsibility towards the customers Customer satisfaction is the most important factor in


  1. What is Globalization in Economy? How Globalization affected Business Sector in India?

Ans: Globalization is a process of development of the world into a single integrated economic unit. It describes the process by which regional economies, societies and cultures have been integrated through a global network. This network becomes stronger through




Set – 1


  1. Elucidate the history and development of English language.

Ans: Introduction: In the fifth and sixth centuries AD the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isle, each speaking languages that could be mutually understood amongst themselves. This language is known today as Old English (500- 1100), which contained four dialects: west Saxon, Mercian, north Umbrian, and Kentish. Approximately half of all Its Half solved only

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MUJ Fully solved assignment available for session Jul/Aug 2022, Exam Sep 2022.

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  1. Define sentence. Write all types of sentences with two examples each.

Ans: Introduction: Sentence is the most popular definition of a sentence is that it is a meaningful collection of words. It can also be said that a sentence unit that is syntactically independent has a subject that is expressed.


3. Write in your own words how effective communication will affect your personal and professional life. Write at least five points.

Ans: It is apparent that meaningful communication does not take place automatically in interpersonal relationships. But there are a number of factors, which appear to foster effective communication – ranging from an awareness of one’s own


Set – 2

  1. Convert the below given sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice:
  2. Have you finished the report?
  3. She has written a novel.
  • The police have caught the thief.
  1. The tiger was chasing the deer.
  2. She has learned her lessons.




  1. Elaborate on the different ways in which you can build your vocabulary.

Ans: Concepts of Vocabulary Building Each of us stands testimony to the fact that it is an essential prerequisite to have a good vocabulary in order to communicate effectively. There are many ways to improve our vocabulary

  1. Discuss rules related to various forms of tenses.

Ans: Tenses rules here is a tabulated representation:-

Tenses Tenses Rule
Past simple tense Subject + V2 + Object
Past Perfect tense Subject + had + V3 + Object




Set- First

  1. a. Define Computers?
  2. What are the key characteristics of each generation of computers. Explain

Ans: The term ‘computer’ is derived from the word ‘compute’, which means to calculate. A computer can be defined as an electronic device which processes the input (data) and displays the desired output. Computer is also used for storing data. In this unit you will be studying characteristics of comput

  1. Convert (1D7F)16 to an Octal system number and (5A9.63)16 to a decimal system number



  1. Discuss the advanced formatting options available in MS Word. How would you create a custom template and apply it quickly to slides?



Set- Second

  1. Explain various design strategies for Software System Design.

What are the four quality measures for building software products?

Ans: The various design strategies for Software System Design:-

 Bottom-up Strategy

This kind of system design strategy revolves around designing the subsystems and the lowest-level compone

  1. Enlist the main functions of the operating system? Describe various components of operating systems.

Ans: An operating system is a software component that acts as the core of a computer system. It performs various functions and is essentially the interface that connects your computer and its supported components.

The main functions of an operating System are: Resource Management: The resource management function of an operating system allocates computer resources such as CPU time, main memory, second

  1. Discuss the TCP/IP protocol layers with the help of a diagram. Explain how the internet works



  1. Explain the concept of Organizational Behaviour. Discuss the role of a manager in terms of Organizational Behaviour.
  2. Define personality. Examine the various determinants of Personality.
  3. Organization structure of any business enterprise is affected by several factors. Deliberate on those factors.


Q.No   Assignment Set – 2

  1. Highlight the major sources of stress.
  2. Explain the Sources of Conflict in an organization. Briefly discuss the different styles of conflict management.
  3. Define a group. Explain the different stages of group development.