MUJ 2nd sem MBA Feb/March solved assignments




Assignment Set – 1 Questions

1. Write down the principles of project management.

Ans: Every project takes place in its own specific context. It brings together a group of people as a project team and gives responsibilities and roles to people. While every project is unique in its own way, there are certain basic principles which define project management in clearer terms. All these factors need to be Its Half solved only

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2. What is the application of the leadership style narrated by Daniel Goleman?

Ans: Daniel Goleman identified six distinct leadership styles. He found that leaders use six different leadership styles in various situations. Table 4.1 gives the summary of these styles, time to apply, and the demerits and its impact on the performance of people at work.

Daniel Goleman’s 2000

3. Explain all the factors affecting the risk analysis of any country.


CategoryRisk Factors

Assignment Set – 2 Questions

4. What is Project Management Information System (PMIS)? What are its uses?

Ans: Project Management Information System (PMIS) is the system tools and techniques used in project management to deliver information. Project managers use the techniques and tools to collect, combine, and distribute

5. Write down the types of project performance evaluation techniques.

Ans: Performance evaluation is an important tool for the assessment of a system or service according to the measurements specified. We can define it as the systematic process of assessment of effectiveness against predetermined norms, standards, or expressed goals. In management evaluation of any service, process or activity typically refers to “determining its worth”.

Evaluations of

6. Differentiate between CPM and PERT.


  • For projects considered uncertain, the PERT model was developed and for projects which are comparatively risk-free the CPM model was developed. Both the approaches start with the



Assignment Set – 1


1. What is Operations Research? Explain the role of Operations Research in Decision Making.

Ans: Churchman, Aackoff, and Aruoff defined operations research as “the application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to the operation of a system with optimum solutions to the problems” where ‘optimum’ refers to the best possible alternative.

The objective of OR is to

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2. a) Solve the following linear programming problem using Two Phase Simplex Method:

Minimize Z = x 1 – 2x 2 – 3x 3

Subject to: -2x 1 + x 2 + 3x 3 = 2

2x 1 + 3x 2 + 4x 3 = 1

Where x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ≥ 0


Problem is

Min z = x1 – 2 x2 – 3 x3
subject to

b) Solve the following transportation problem using Matrix Minima Method? Also find the corresponding cost of transportation.

  Factor y   W1  W2W3W4Supply
  Factor y  F12116251321
  Factor y  F21718142323
  Factor y  F33217284119
  Factor y  Demand11151720 

Ans: Let xij = no. of units of a product transported from ith factory (i = 1, 2, 3) to jth warehouse (j = 1, 2, 3, 4).

It should be noted that if in a particular solution the xij value is missing for a cell, this means that nothing

3. Five wagons are available at stations 1,2 3,4 and 5. These are required at five stations A, B, C, D and E. The distances in km between various stations are given in the table below. How should the wagons be transported to minimize the total distance travelled?

Stations (s)                         A      B         C         D        E


Ans: Find the matrix


Assignment Set – 2


4. a) Write any five differences between Critical Path Method [CPM] & Program Evaluation and Review Technique [PERT]



  • PERT – Project Evaluation and Review Technique
  • PERT is a

b) Customers arrive at a sales counter managed by a single person according to a poisson process with a mean rate of 20 per hour. The time required to serve a customer has an exponential distribution with a mean of 100 seconds. Find the average waiting time of customer in queue and in system.

Ans: The average waiting time of a customer is 225 seconds.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given: Arrival

5. A project manager has obtained the following optimistic, pessimistic and most likely times, in weeks, relating to the various activities related to the construction of a power project:

Activit (y)  Optimistic time (in weeks)  Most likely time (in weeks)  Pessimistic time (in weeks)  

i) Draw a PERT diagram and mark clearly the Critical Path

ii) Determine the expected project length?

iii) What is the probability that the project would be successfully completed in 32 weeks?

6. What is Principle of Dominance in Game Theory? Reduce the following game by dominance property and solve it:

1       2      3      4        5
I II III IV13274

Player B

Player A

Ans: The principle of dominance states that if one strategy of a player dominates over the other strategy in all conditions then the later strategy can be ignored. A strategy dominates over the other only if it is preferable over other in all conditions. The concept of dominance is especially useful for the




Assignment Set – 1 Questions

1. Discuss the history of Computing.  

Ans: Computers or general purpose computing devices were invented in the middle of the 20th century, but the ideas they are based on evolved a century earlier. Charles Babbage, a renowned British mathematician, fi rst conceived the idea of a computing device in the 1820s when he was confronted with the problem of Its Half solved only

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2. What is IT interaction model? Explain.

Ans:  Managing IS in organisations is a highly challenging and complex task. One reason for this complexity is that neither organisations nor the IS they use remain static over time – both change continuously, and it is the job of

3. How Information Technology could be used for competing in market?

Ans: The combination of network externalities and positive feedback leads to tippy markets. A tippy market results when there are two or more products competing in the market, and in the eventual outcome only one survives. Each product is tippy in the sense that it could either succeed or fail, and with the effects

Q.No Assignment Set – 2 Questions

4. Discuss the properties of Information goods.

Ans: Properties of information goods Information goods have certain properties that make them distinct from physical goods. Information goods are typically expensive to produce but very cheap to reproduce. For example, the original cost of producing a music track by a professional band may run into

5. What are the facilities an organization could have from ‘Customer Relationship Management System’?

Ans: The origins of CRM lie in the sales force automation systems that grew with the rise of personal computing around the world in the 1980s. The systems would automate the processes of

6. Can you write brief outline on any two Business Intelligence techniques?

Ans: Analytics relies on a number of computational and statistical techniques that were developed in the field of artificial intelligence. When applied to business problems, these are known as business intelligence techniques. Brief descriptions of some business intelligence techniques are provided below to highlight the kind of problems that can be solved and the kind of data that is

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SESSION              FEB/MARCH 2022


SEMESTER           II


Set – I

Q 1. Explain the various Marketing Orientations and Concepts.

Ans 1.

A marketing manager must formulate strategies that can build profitable relationships with the target consumers. Things are continuously changing in terms of business and social changes, customer-related changes, and changes in manufacturing and marketing organisations. Therefore, the organisations should select their marketing orientation considering these factors. The various marketing orientations that exist help in understanding how the marketing Its Half solved only

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Q 2. What is Marketing Information Systems? Write down the characteristics of MIS. 5+5    

Ans 2.

Marketing Information Systems: The importance of marketing information is particularly evident as the economy continues to accentuate services as a primary source of value.

Services depend on information to a great extent. Information is speedily becoming a service in its own right. Mass customisation, often depicted as “one-to-one” marketing or the customising of products and services for individual customers, is heavily dependent on comprehensive and timely

Q 3. Determine various Buying Motives. Also explain the influences of these motives on the consumer purchase process


Buying Motives: To begin with, let us understand the different motives that consumers pursue while initiating their decision process. Consumers have different kinds of needs and they do not pursue all their needs at all points of time. Whenever a need gets a direction or goal and all the energies of consumer are targeted towards achieving the goal, it takes the shape of a buying motive. The important types of buying motives are as follows:

Set – II

Q 4. How do you define Brand Equity? Also elaborate its Components.           


Brand Equity     

Brand equity is the added value that the consumer assigns to the products and services. It is an arrangement of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name, and symbol that put in or subtract the value provided by a product or service to an organisation and/or to that organisation’s

Q 5. Demonstrate the various types of Advertisement    


Types of advertisements:

Advertising can be classified into various forms as mentioned below.

Brand advertising – This is the most popular form of advertising. All possible media including television is flooded with brand advertising. Brands like Surf Excel, Pepsi, and Coke in India are shown more frequently on Indian televisions.

National advertising –

Q 6. Describe the various International Market Entry Strategies.


International Market Entry Strategies: There are two methods to entry into foreign markets. They are indirect exporting and direct exporting. In the first method, the manufacturers take the help of merchant exporters to get products exported to foreign markets. Indirect exporting, the manufacturers decide to export themselves. Thus, the manufacturers have to decide, whether they will go directly for exports or take the help of merchant exporters who are very often recognized as export houses, trading houses, etc. Some government



Assignment Set – 1

1. a) “A rational human being has time preference for money” Give reasons.

Ans: The time preference for money is generally expressed by an interest rate which remains positive even in the absence of any risk. It is called the riskfree rate.

1) Risk: There is Its Half solved only

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b) Differentiate between compounding and discounting technique of time value of money.



2. Cost of various types of capital of Radha Ltd. is given below along with weight and cost of capital.

Sources of FundsAmount (Rs.)Proportion (W) in total capital structure  Cost of Capital (k)  
Preference share capital  8000010%9.33  
Equity Share capital40000050%13.30  
Cost of retained earnings  8000010%13.00  

Compute weighted average cost of Capital as per:

1. Book value proportion.                                  

2. What would be WACC in your opinion if company wants to change WACC approach from book value to market value? In market value the price of Equity share is Rs.250 per share instead of Rs.100 in book value.


3. Write short notes on (any two)

1. NI approach of Capital structure

Ans: Net Income (NI) approach is suggested by Durand. He is of the view that capital structure decision is relevant to the valuation of the firm. Any change in the financial leverage will have a corresponding change in the overall cost of capital and also the total value of the firm. As the ratio of

3. Modigliani and Miller approach of Capital structure


Miller and Modigliani criticise traditional approach that the cost of equity remains unaffected by leverage up to a reasonable limit and K0 remains constant at all degrees of leverage. They state that the relationship between leverage and cost of capital is elucidated as in NOI approach. Table  depicts the

Q. No Assignment Set – 2

4. a. Elucidate the factors leading to Capital rationing.

Ans: The various factors related to the internal constraints imposed by the management are: Private owned company

b. Explain in brief the phases of operating cycle.


5. “Efficient cash Management will aim at maximising the cash inflows and slowing cash outflows.” Discuss Identify the motives for holding cash by an organization.

Ans: The main motives behind holding cash are:

  • Transaction motive
  • Precautionary motive
  • Speculative motive
  • Compensating motive

These are

6. Solve and suggest which of the two projects should be accepted assuming a discount rate of 10% based on net present value of the two projects.

DetailProject XProject Y
Initial InvestmentRs.20000Rs.30000  
Estimated Life5 Years5 Years  
Scrap ValueRs.1000Rs.2000  

The net cash flows are as follows:

 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5  
Project X5000100001000030002000  
Project Y2000010000500030002000  

The Discounted rate of return@10% is as follows:

 Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5  
  PV@10% Discount factor  0.9090.8260.7510.6830.621  




Assignment Set – 1 Questions

1. What is meant by productivity? Explain labour, capital, system, and personal productivity.

Ans: Production refers to the creation of goods and services for consumption by the society. Such creation typically involves converting inputs to desired outputs using different conversion or transformation processes. In fact, the first step is to decide upon the desired outputs and then to identify the inputs and the corresponding conversion processes. Production management encompasses all those activities

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2. Explain the importance of decision-making in organisation. What are the factors affecting decision-making?

Ans: The importance of decision-making in organisation:-

This decision would have been taken as a strategy to meet the increasing demands which are real in order to fulfil the following:

  • Enter a niche market of the competitor
  • Augment marketing department’s claim after a vigorous sales campaign
  • Any other

3. How do you develop an operations strategy? Explain briefly the relationship that exists between corporate strategy, business strategy, and operations strategy.


Assignment Set – 2 Questions

4. Explain the Nominal group testing method of forecasting along with the expert opinion method of forecasting.

Ans: Let us now discuss these qualitative methods in detail in forecasting

Market surveys

Conducting surveys among the prospective buyers or users is a very old method of forecasting. Here, a questionnaire is prepared and circulated among the people and their responses are obtained. The

5. What are the steps to be considered to set data in the logical order?


6. Explain in detail all the methods used to determine the most likely plant location.

Ans: Plant location: The selection of a place for locating a plant; here plant is the term used for the land, buildings, and equipment used in carrying on an industrial undertaking.

A plant location cannot be changed frequently since a large capital needs to be invested to build the plant and machinery in the selected area. Therefore, before selecting a plant location, a long range