Assignment Set – 1
1. a. Discuss the types of Operating System.
Ans: Types of Operating System:-
Personal Computer Operating Systems
The main mode of use of a PC (as its name implies) is by a single user. Thus Os for PCs were designed as a single user single task operating system, that is, it is assumed that only one user uses the machine and runs only one program at a time. The operating system of PCs consists of two parts. One part is called the BIOS (
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b. What is VMware? Write a short note on it.
Ans: VMware is a virtualization and cloud computing software provider based in Palo Alto, Calif. Founded in 1998, VMware is a subsidiary of Dell Technologies. EMC Corporation originally
2. What is Preemptive and Non-preemptive Scheduling? Discuss the CPU scheduling algorithms.
Ans: Scheduling can either be preemptive or non-preemptive. If preemptive, then an executing process can be stopped and returned to ready state to make the CPU available for another ready process.
3. Discuss Inter Process Communication and critical-section problem along with the use of semaphores.
Ans: Communication of co-operating processes’ shared-memory environment requires that these processes share a common buffer pool, and that the code for implementing the buffer be explicitly written by the application
Assignment Set – 2
4. a. What is a Process Control Block? What information is stored in it?
Ans: Every process has a number and a process control block (PCB) represents a process in an operating system. The PCB serves as a repository of information about a process and varies from process to process. The PCB contains information that makes the process an active entity. A PCB is shown in Figure. It contains
b. What is thrashing? What are its causes?
Ans: When a process does not have enough frames or when a process is executing with a minimum set of
5. a. Discuss the different File Access Methods.
Ans: Information is stored in files. Files reside on secondary storage. When this information is to be used, it has to be accessed and brought into primary main memory. Information in files could be accessed in
b. What are I/O Control Strategies?
Ans:- Several I/O strategies are used between the computer system and I/O devices, depending on the
6. Explain the different Multiprocessor Interconnections and types of Multiprocessor Operating Systems.
Ans: The nature of multiprocessor interconnections has an effect on the bandwidth for communication. Complexity, cost, IPC and scalability are some features considered in interconnections. Basic architectures
Assignment Set – 1
1. a. What is a linked list? Discuss the algorithms for the insertion and deletion of values in the beginning of a linked list.
Ans: A linked list is a data structure where the objects are arranged in a linear order. Unlike an array, however, in which the linear order is determined by the array indices, the order in a linked list is determined by a pointer in Its Half solved only
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b. Define queues and its enqueue and dequeue operations.
Ans: Queues A queue is a useful data structure in programming. It is similar to the ticket queue outside a cinema hall, where the first person entering the queue is the first person who gets the ticket. There are four different types of
2. a. What are Binary trees? How many types of Binary trees are there, discuss?
Ans: A binary tree is a special case of tree where no node of a tree can have a degree of more than two. Therefore, a binary tree is a set of zero or more nodes T such that:
i) there is a specially designated
3. Explain Breadth-first search and Depth-first search algorithms in graphs.
Ans: Breadth-first search: This algorithm uses a queue data structure to perform the search. The effect of this is to process all nodes adjacent to the start node before we process the nodes adjacent to those
Assignment Set – 2
4. a. Explain the algorithms of Sequential Searching and Binary Searching.
Ans: Sequential Searching: The simplest type of searching process is the sequential search or linear search. In the sequential search, each element of the array is compared to the key, in the order it appears in the array, until the first element matching the key is found. If you are looking for an element that is near the front of the array, the sequential search will find it quickly. The more data that
b. What are the characteristics and Building Blocks of an Algorithm?
Ans: Characteristics of an Algorithm
An algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps and further each step must be executable in finite amount of time. In order to establish a sequence of steps as an algorithm, it should be
5. a. How is the Efficiency of an Algorithm measured?
Ans: If a problem is algorithmically solvable then it may have more than one algorithmic solution. Mainly, the two computer resources taken into consideration for efficiency measures are time and space requirements for executing the program corresponding to the solution/algorithm. We will restrict to only
b. What is Divide and conquer strategy?
Ans: Given a function to compute on n inputs, the divide-and-conquer strategy suggests splitting the inputs into K distinct subsets, 1<K<n, yielding K subproblems. These subproblems must be solved and then a method must be found to combine subsolutions into a solution as a whole. If the subproblems
6. Discuss the Greedy knapsack Algorithm, with a suitable
Ans: The Greedy algorithm could be understood very well with a well-known problem referred to as Knapsack problem. Although the same problem could be solved by employing other algorithmic approaches, Greedy approach solves Fractional Knapsack problem reasonably in a good
1. A. Explain the concept of the abstract class.
Ans: An abstract class is the class which acts as a base class and can be inherited by other classes. It is not used to create objects. It provides a base upon which other classes can be built. In programming the concept of abstract class is of great importance and used deliberately in a program for creating derived
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B. Define inline function. Explain it using an example.
Ans: The main use of inline function is that it reduces the size of the code and improves in the speed of program execution. You should define inline function before the main () function. Inline functions are same like normal functions except that the function declaration begins with the
2. Discuss the role of access specifiers in inheritance and show their visibility when they are inherited as public, private, and protected.
Ans: A derived class can be defined as follows:
class derived_classname: access specifier baseclassname
Members of
3. A. Discuss Class to basic type conversion with the help of an example.
Ans: The overloaded casting operator in C++ allows us to convert class type data to basic types. The overloaded casting operator has the general form:
B. Illustrate, with the help of an example, the procedure to overload a unary operator.
Ans: //increment.cpp
# include <iostream.h>
class counter
4. Explain with the help of an example how to read and write the character to a text file.
Ans: The getc and putc I/O functions
We use the getc() and putc() I/O functions to read a character from a file and write a character to a file
5. What is a Template? What is the need of Template? Declare a Template class.
Ans: A template can be considered a kind of macro. When we define an object of a specific type for actual use, the definition of template for that class is substituted with the required data type.
6. A. What is a file mode? Describe the various file mode options available.
Ans: A file can be opened in one of four modes. The mode determines where the file is positioned when opened, and what functions are allowed. After you close a file, you can reopen the file in a different mode, depending on what you are doing. For example, you can create a file in create
B. Differentiate between termination and resumption in Exception Handling.
- There are two basic models in exception-handling theory. In termination (which is what C++ supports) you assume the error is so critical that there’s no way to get back to where the exception occurred.
Assignment Set – 1
1. Mention any four barriers to communication and substantiate your answer with one example for each.
Ans: Barriers to Effective Communication At each stage in the process of communication – encoding, transferring, and decoding, there is the possibility of interference. This may hinder the communication process. Such interference is known as ‘noise.’ Often, a comparison is made between communication and a leaky bucket. If you carry water in a leaky bucket, you will lose water at various points in your journey
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2. Differentiate between listening and hearing. List the different types of listening.
3. Explain the various types of readings.
Ans: Types of Reading
As we have already said, we read in different ways depending on the purpose for which we are reading a text. Let us look at a few types of reading.
Let’s say that you
Set – 2
4. Examine the various factors that affect personality development? Mention some ways to improve your personality.
Ans: 1. Biological Factors: The study of the biological contributions to personality may be studied under three heads:
a) Heredity: Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex, temperament, muscle composition and reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms
5. Discuss the traits of leader who will succeed in bringing out the best from their subordinates. Support your answer with examples.
Ans: 1. Communicate frequently.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that communication is top of the list for essential leadership qualities. Communication can make or break your efforts to connect with your team, manage and coordinate initiatives, and build trust within your organization.
Good leaders
6. Explain the importance of time management. Mention some ways that one can apply to manage time.
Ans: Here are the top reasons why time management is of great importance to your personal and career success:
- Time is Limited
1. What is a logic gate? Explain various logic gates with neat diagram and truth table.
Ans: A logic gate is an electronic circuit which has one or more inputs but only one output. Logic gate produces logical operation on binary numbers.
Now let us study basic logic gates. OR gate: OR gate has two or more inputs and only one output. The operation of this gate is such that it produces a high output (i.e. logic 1) when one or more of inputs are high and it
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2. Explain Karnaugh map method of simplification with example.
Ans: Maurice Karnaugh a telecommunication engineer has invented Karnaugh Maps. In 1953, the Karnaugh map has been developed in Bell Labs while studying the application of digital logic to design of telephone circuits. This method is also known as K-maps. A Karnaugh map (K-map) is a visual representation of a Boolean function. The plan is to recognize patterns in the visual representation and thus
3. What is a full adder? Explain the operation of full adder with a neat logic diagram.
Ans: A full adder circuit adds the carry in C along with the two inputs A and B. A large adder circuit can be constructed using multiple full adders. In full adder circuit, carry in is labeled as Ci or Cin and carry out is labeled as Co or Cout, labeling this way will remove the ambiguity between the output carry and
4. Define Sequential Circuits. Briefly explain about the JK flip-flop with circuit and truth table.
Ans: Sequential circuits are those whose outputs depend not only on the present value of its inputs but also on past history of its inputs. There are two types of memory elements which are used in sequential circuits, they are latch and flip flop. Flip flop is a device which changes its state at the positive edge or negative edge (also known as leading edge and trailing edge) of the clock signal. Asynchronous
5. What is a shift register? Mention the types of shift register.
Ans: Shift Register is a set of binary storage elements, typically flip-flops combined and linked together to facilitate the movement of the data bits stored, from one to another and in and out of it, whenever
6. Describe various types of electrical switches.
Ans: Two Way Switches In applications where multiple switching options are required (e.g., a telephone service), mechanical switches have long been replaced by electronic switching devices which can be automated and intelligently controlled. We can define a switch in terms of its operation and use. In general,