3rd Sem Marketing manipal jaipur university solved assignment Feb/March 2022 assignment



Assignment Set – 1

  1. Determine causal research. Give examples to explain your answer.

Ans:  Causal research: Most people interpret scientific experimentation and research as studies to establish cause and effect relationships. Experiments on causal relationships investigate the effect of one or more variables on one or more outcome variables. This type of research also determines if one variable Its Half solved only

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  1. What do you mean by Experimental Designs? Explain the nine types of Experimental designs.

Ans: Experimental Designs: This kind of study is a process that plans natural order events to meet specific objectives. In this method, certain factors are controlled to see the effect on certain other factors. Here

  1. Examine the process of designing a questionnaire.



These are explained as follows:

  • Decide the information required: Decide the things which should be collected from the respondents. Thus, a small number of informal interviews should be taken from the respondents which help in making


Assignment Set – 2

  1. Discuss the concept of data editing.

Ans: Then data editing and coding processes are used. After that data cleaning is used in which different statistical software is used. The last step of the process is preliminary data analysis in qualitative research which you will study in the end. In qualitative marketing research, data analysis is done with the

  1. Express in detail about Research Report and its characteristics.

Ans: A research report is an oral presentation or a written document established on a written document that conveys the purpose, scope, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, findings, limitations, and ultimately, recommendations of a research project to others. You will find that a report is a very


  1. What do you mean by advertising Research? Also explain the need for advertising Research.

Ans: Advertising research assists in measuring the effectiveness of promotion as well as describing the shifts in the marketplace. You must be aware that each consumer product marketing executive generally knows that although companies spend around 10% to 30% of revenue on advertising and



Assignment Set – 1


  1. Explain the major factors of macro environment which impact the survival of retail business.

Ans: The major factors of macro environment which impact the survival of retail business:-

Demographic Environment Retailers are keenly interested in the size of the population – Gender, income patterns and distribution. Changing nature and volume of population are linked to the demographic factors like – how people are conducting themselves in the new world by increasing per capita income, Its Half solved only

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  1. Discuss the various types of store layout with advantages and disadvantages.

Ans: There are several types of store layout. Let us now look at each of them in detail.

 Racetrack form This layout ensures the shoppers start from the point where they enter the stores, flow through the entire store and then get back to where they started from. In lifestyle stores this called forced

  1. Define retail merchandising. Explain the steps followed in merchandise management process.

Ans: Retail merchandising refers to the process used to conduct retail sales. As part of the process, the merchandiser pays close attention to the different types of products offered for sale, how to present those products to consumers in a best way, and determine a reasonable retail price for each unit

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Differentiate between private label and national brand. Explain the growth drivers of private label.

Ans: National brand is a type of product brand name that is nationally distributed. Such brands are developed and managed by brand managers and are available widely at a variety of retail outlets all over the country. In many cases, these are also widely accepted by people worldwide.

Among Indian national


  1. Describe the various methods adopted by retailers to enter global market.

Ans: Generally the industry talks of five modes of market entry as practiced by the International Retailers.

Non Controlling Interest

This approach is generally practised by Companies in their initial stages of expansion. When they do not have extensive experience in setting up international operations and when there is a lack of sufficient market intelligence as well as understanding of the foreign market, the international retailer


  1. Define retail pricing. What are the factors influencing retail prices?

Ans:  The price at which the product is sold to the end customer is called the retail price of the product. Retail price is the summation of the manufacturing cost and all the costs that retailers incur at the time of charging the customer.

Market factors: Different pricing practices may be followed in different markets or cities. In particular, market type, be it a metropolitan city or a small city, may be associated with a particular pricing




Assignment Set – 1


  1. Explain various consumers buying motives.

Ans: Consumers are defined as individuals or businesses that consume or use goods and services. Customers are the purchasers within the economy that buy goods and services, and they can exist as consumers or alone Its Half solved only

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  1. What is the tri-component model of attitude formation?

Ans: Tri-Component Attitude Model According to this model, attitudes consist of three main components:

  1. Cognitive component (knowledge, beliefs)
  2. Affective component (emotions, feelings)
  3. Conative component (behavioural aspect)

Cognitive component Consumers’ beliefs about an attitude-object are the attributes they ascribe to it. These beliefs result from an individual’s cognitions or knowledge and perceptions obtained by experience with the attitude object and allied information. For most attitude objects, consumers have a number of beliefs and that a specific behaviour will result in a specific outcome.

For example,

  1. How do consumer lifestyles influence cconsumer buying decisions?

Ans: Lifestyle has a significant positive influence on purchase decision. Marketing stimulation and personal value also has a positive significant impact on the influence of purchase decision and brand selection. The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of life style on consumer decision making process

Lack of consumer involvement – A favourable attitude requires a need or motive before it can be translated into

Assignment Set – 2


  1. Differentiate between enculturation and acculturation.




  1. Write down the consumer decision-making process.




  1. Why is Nicosia Model of Consumer Decision-making known as Conflict Model?

Ans: Francesco Nicosia was one of the first to develop consumer behaviour model in the early 1960s and shift focus from the act of purchase itself to the more complex decision process that consumers engage in





Assignment Set – 1


  1. Define Sales Management? What are its objectives?

Ans: In the words of Rachman and Romano, “Sales Management includes recruiting, selecting, training, supervising, motivating and evaluating the salesforce.”

According to B.R. Canfield, “Sales Management involves the direction and control of salesmen, sales planning, budgeting, Its Half solved only

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MUJ Fully solved assignment available for session Feb/March 2022,

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Charges INR 200 only per assignment. For more information you can get via mail or Whats app also

Mail id is aapkieducation@gmail.com

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whatsapp no 8791490301.

  1. Write Short notes on
  2. Channel Motivation

Ans: It has been proven time and again that increased motivation leads to improved performance. When you prove to the channel how much you value them, you are rewarded in the form of higher productivity, increased sales, and greater end-user satisfaction.

Distributors need constant suppor

  1. Wholesalers confront many problems. Justify the statement.

Ans: The wholesale industry has played an important role in the distribution chain for more than a century. However, as many wholesalers struggle to keep their market share, the stakes are getting higher. Several of the


Assignment Set – 2


  1. What is Vertical market system? Explain its components

Ans: A Vertical Marketing System (VMS) is made up of the key distribution channel partners, such as the manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer, who work together as a single entity to meet the customers’ needs. In the

  1. What is demand planning? Explain its types

Ans: Demand Planning is defined “as the practice of creating forecasts that predict the future need for the products. This demand might be external—in the form of customer orders or projections from marketing—

  1. Write short notes on the following w.r.t. Supply chain management
  2. Push approach

Ans: Push Approach: The real demand decides the inventory to be produced in the push model. As a result, it is focused on the individual customer and employs a marketing strategy.

To begin, when I use the term “supply chain,” I mean the process of transforming raw materials into a product and