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  1. Describe the cloud computing, and explain the types, architectures and functions of cloud computing.

Ans 1.

Cloud Computing: An Overview

Cloud computing is a technological paradigm that allows users to access and store data, applications, and services over the internet instead of relying on local servers or personal computers. It eliminates the need for physical hardware infrastructure and provides scalable, on-demand resources, enhancing flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Cloud computing is based on a


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  1. What is SLM? Explain its role. Describe the cloud accounting services.

Ans 2.

Service Level Management (SLM) and Its Role

Service Level Management (SLM) is a critical component of IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on defining, negotiating, and managing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between a service provider and its customers. The primary goal of SLM is to ensure that services are delivered as agreed, meeting the predefined quality and performance standards.

SLM involves monitoring, evaluating, and improving service performance to align with business objectives. It ensures


  1. Explain the role of API in cloud computing and also explain the different types of security issues faced by cloud providers.

Ans 3.

Role of API in Cloud Computing

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a pivotal role in cloud computing by serving as the bridge between users and cloud services. APIs allow developers to interact with cloud platforms programmatically, enabling seamless integration, automation, and customization of cloud-based applications. Through APIs, users can access various cloud resources, including storage, databases,




  1. Explain the issues involved in cloud security and how to overcome them. Discuss the merits and demerits of cloud storage.

Ans 4.

Issues in Cloud Security and Overcoming Them

Cloud security encompasses the measures and strategies used to protect data, applications, and infrastructure in cloud environments. However, several challenges persist due to the complex and shared nature of cloud systems.

One primary issue is data



  1. Briefly explain Desktop Virtualization. And what are the benefits of desktop virtualisation? Explain the key technologies and components required for setting up virtual desktops in the cloud?

Ans 5.

Desktop Virtualization and Its Benefits

Desktop virtualization is a technology that separates the desktop environment and associated applications from the physical hardware. This enables users to access their desktop remotely from any device, as the virtual desktop is hosted on a centralized server or cloud infrastructure. By decoupling the operating system, applications, and data from the local hardware, desktop virtualization provides flexibility and efficiency in managing desktop environments.

One key benefit of desktop


  1. Explain the Future of Cloud Computing and also explain the Internet of Things Along with Cloud Computing.

Ans 6.

Future of Cloud Computing

The future of cloud computing is marked by rapid advancements, growing adoption, and integration with emerging technologies. As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, new trends are shaping its trajectory. One significant development is the rise of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies,