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SESSION February/MARCH 2024
course CODE & NAME DCA1101 – Fundamentals of IT and Programming





  1. Define the key characteristics of computer that define their functionality and utility.


Computers are extremely reliable as well. Most errors are caused by humans, not computers. Computers are capable of storing enormous amounts of data that must be located and retrieved very quickly. The capability to store and retrieve volumes of data is at the core of the Information Age. Now-a-days computer is playing a main role in everyday life it has become the need of people just like television, telephone or other electronic devices at home. It solves the human problems very quickly as well as accurately.


The important characteristics of

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  1. What is RAM and define its types.


Random Access Memory (RAM)

Main memory of a computer system is used to store programs and data. RAM provides temporary read/write storage while hard disks offer semi-permanent storage. All programs must be run through RAM before they can be used. The term random derives from the fact that the CPU can retrieve data from any individual location, or address, within RAM. RAM is volatile, which means that it requires a steady flow of electricity to maintain its contents. As soon as the power is turned off,



  1. Describe the Computer Software and define the use of Operation Systems


Computer Software Computer Software is a general term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often broken into two major categories: system software that provides the basic non-task-specific functions of the computer, and application software which is used by users to accomplish specific tasks. A computer program guides a computer to perform some processing function or combination of functions. For the instructions to be carried out, a







  1. Describe the functions of the central processing unit (CPU) and its significant subunits.

Ans: Central Processing Unit: The central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic brain of the computer. The CPU in a personal computer is usually a single chip. It organizes and carries out instructions that come from either the user or from the software. The processor is made up of many components, but two of them are worth mentioning at this point. These are the arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit. The control unit controls the electronic flow of information around the computer.


The arithmetic logic unit, ALU, is responsible for mathematical calculations and logical comparisons. The processor




  1. Describe in brief the computers classification.


Computers are classified according to their data processing speed, amount of data that they can hold and price. Generally, a computer with high processing speed and large internal storage is called a big computer. Due to rapidly improving technology, we are always confused among the categories of computers.


Depending upon their speed and memory size, computers are classified into following four main groups.



  1. Describe the various phases of software testing.


Software engineers are by their nature constructive people. Testing requires the developer discard preconceived notions of the ‘correctness’ of software just developed and overcome a conflict of interest that occurs when errors are uncovered. Beizer describes this situation effectively when he states: There’s a myth that if we were really good at programming, there would be no bugs to cat