1. Due to global uncertainty and geopolitical impact and anticipating recession in the waster countries, it is assumed that HUL may delivery the return based on the Indian Economic Condition. RBI projected the Indian Economic growth as follows.
Projected Indian Economic Condition | Probability of occurrence | Possible Return from HUL (in %) |
Extremely Good | 10% | 22% |
Good | 20% | 18% |
Average | 40% | 15% |
Poor | 20% | 8% |
Severely Poor | 10% | 4% |
In this situation, if we invest in HUL, how much return can be expected? Also, suggest the possible risk involved in this investment.
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2. a. Explain the types of instruments traded in the money market.
Ans: Important money market instruments are:
Treasury bills: These are short-term obligations issued by the government. At present, the Government of India (GOI) issues 4 types of T-Bills i.e., 14-day, 91-day, 182-day and 364-day. They are issued for a minimum amount of $25,000 and in multiples of $25,000. T-Bills are issued at a
3. Discuss the basic assumptions of Dow Theory.
Ans: The Dow Theory comprises the following assumptions:
1. The Market discounts everything: An individual stock’s price reflects everything that is known about the security. As new information arrives, market participants quickly disseminate the information and the price adjusts accordingly. Likewise, the market averages discount and reflect
SET– 2
4. i. Explain the types of Risk.
Ans: Types of risk
There are basically five types of risks:
- Inflation risk – This risk is associated with the change in real returns due to the prevalence of inflation
5. An investor owns a portfolio composed of five securities with the following characteristics. If the standard deviation of BSE Sensex is 20 per cent, what is the total risk of the portfolio?
Security | Beta | Standard Deviation of random error (per cent) | Proportion |
ITC | 1.35 | 5 | 0.10 |
HUL | 1.05 | 9 | 0.20 |
INFY | 0.80 | 4 | 0.15 |
RIL | 1.50 | 12 | 0.30 |
HDFC | 1.12 | 8 | 0.25 |
6. i. Explain the efficient set of portfolios.
Ans: In the following diagram, numerous portfolio combinations of all the available assets have been plotted. This is the attainable set of portfolios. The y-axis represents the expected return and the x-axis represents the total risk as measured by standard deviation,). From this attainable set of all possible portfolios, we locate the subset known as the efficient set which is composed of
Assignment Set – 1
1. What do you understand by the concept of mergers & acquisitions? Discuss the different types of mergers & acquisitions with suitable example?
Ans: Merger is defined as a combination where two or more than two companies combine into one company. In this process one company survives and others lose their corporate existence. The survivor acquires assets as well as liabilities of the merged company or companies.
In another form of merger, one company purchases another company for cash and integrates the purchased
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2. Define Synergy. Explain different types of synergy.
Ans: Synergy refers to a situation where the combined value of a merger is more than the sum of the values of merging firms. It is the phenomenon where 2 + 2 = 5.
If the value of firm
3. Discuss in brief Master Limited Partnership. Explain the characteristics and various types of MLPs.
Ans: Master Limited Partnership (MLP) is a limited partnership that is publicly traded on a securities exchange. It combines the tax benefits of a limited partnership with the liquidity of publicly traded securities. The limited partnership interest is divided into units which are traded as shares of
Assignment Set – 2
4. Summarize the content which should be included in Public Announcement of Offer.
Ans: The content of the Public Announcement of Offer should include:
1. The number of fully paid-up and partly paid-up shares, paid-up share capital of the target company;
2. The percentage of shares proposed to be acquired from the public and total number subject to minimum as specified in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 21;
3. The minimum offer
5. Discuss the different basis of valuation in detail with suitable example.
Ans: The financial analysis required in the case of a merger is the valuation of assets or stocks of the target company in which the acquirer contemplates to invest.
There are several basis of valuation:
1. Asset value: In valuation
6. Write a short note on challenges present in mergers & acquisitions. Justify your answer with suitable examples.
Ans: Merger is defined as a combination where two or more than two companies combine into one company. In this process one company survives and others lose their corporate existence. The survivor acquires
Assignment Set – 1
1. Discuss the various types of direct taxes.
Ans: The Various types of direct taxes are as follows:
a. Income Tax: Income Tax Act of 1961 established the income tax system. Income tax is imposed on the annual income earned by individuals or business entities The Tax is levied on different tax brackets based on individual earnings called as Income Tax as per the provision of Income tax act 1961 and the
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2. Explain the concept of double taxation. Also, discuss the provisions made for double taxation relief.
Ans: Double taxation means the situation where an income is subject to tax twice. The occurrence of double taxation causes in 2 ways namely:
a. Economic double taxation –
3. Elucidate deduction under 80D and 80C.
Ans: 80D of the Income Tax Act permits deductions on amounts spent by an individual towards the premium of a health insurance policy. This includes payment made on behalf of a spouse, children, parents, or self to a Central Government health plan. An amount of Rs 15,000 can be claimed as a deduction
Assignment Set – 2
4. Explain Carry forward and set off of capital.
Ans: Carry forward and set off of capital loss [Sec. 74] Under the head ‘Capital gains’ losses can be carried forward and set off against income under the same head, subject to the restriction that the loss on the transfer of long-term capital assets can be set off only against long-term capital gain.
• Period for
5. List and briefly describe the various types of GST returns.
Ans: There are different types of GST Returns:
- GSTR- 1: It contains all the information related to the invoices and the debit-credit notes raised on the sales transaction for a tax period It is filled by all the taxpayers including the casual taxpayer
6. Elaborate on tax planning, tax avoidance, and tax evasion.
Ans: Tax planning: Tax planning is a legal way of reducing your tax liabilities in a year. It will help you to utilize the tax exemptions, deductions, and benefits in the best possible way for minimizing your tax burden. However, it should be done in a legal manner.
Tax avoidance: Tax avoidance is
Assignment Set – 1
1. Elaborate the various qualities required in an Internal Auditor.
Ans: A Good Auditor needs to possess some qualities which are very important for conducting a successful and effective audit.
The qualities required by an internal auditor can be classified into three categories:
1. General
2. Discuss the key clauses of ISO 31000:2009.
Ans: Key clauses of ISO 31000: 2009 Clause 3:
Principles of risk management
Clause 4: Framework
Clause 5:
3. State the features of Internal Audit. Also narrate the various types of internal controls.
Ans: Features of Internal audit:
A business organization, be it small or large, can enjoy the benefits of adopting an internal control system. Prevention of stealing-plundering and wastage of assets is a part of the internal control Its Half solved only
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Assignment Set – 2
4. Describe internal control procedure for Inventory.
Ans: Internal Control Issues and Procedures for Inventory
Internal control
Internal control for inventory is especially important so we protect against theft and waste.
An effective internal control structure for inventory includes a company’s plan of organization and all the
5. Explain the various internal control schemes.
Ans: Control Schemes:
1. Asset Protection:
Companies protect their assets by
(a) Segregating employee duties,
(b) Assigning specific duties to each employee,
(c) Rotating employee job assignments, and
(d) Using mechanical devices.
a) Segregation of
6. Narrate the scope of Audit in computerized environment.
Ans: Scope of Audit in a Computerized Environment:
1. High speed: In a CIS environment information can be generated very quickly. Even complex reports in specific report format can be generated for audit purposes without much loss of time. This cut down
Assignment Set – 1
1. What is HRD Audit? How is it important for an organization?
Ans: Human Resource Management (HRM) and also the concept of HR audit. In this unit, you will study about human resource development (HRD) audit in detail, about different HRD strategies, systems, structure, culture, competencies and also the theories of HR audit.
The present unit tells you
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2. What are the various approaches to HR audit?
Ans: There are five common approaches for the purpose of evaluation of HR in any organisation:
Comparative approach: In this approach, another division or company that has better practices or results is chosen as the model. The audit team audits and compares the audited firm’s results with the best practices of the model organisation. This approach is commonly used to compare the results of
3. How can HR Audit help in Employee Relations and Team Building? Explain.
Ans: In a Harvard Business Review article titled “Understanding ‘People’ People,” (June 2004) Timothy Butler and James Waldroop identified four dimensions to optimize interpersonal communications:
Influence: Professionals who earn a high score in this dimension enjoy developing and extending their sphere of interpersonal influence. They take pleasure in persuasion, negotiation, and
Assignment Set – 2
4. Write a note on HR Scorecard and its importance.
Ans: HR scorecard measures the HR function’s effectiveness and efficiency in producing employee behaviours needed to achieve the company’s strategic goals.
In order to achieve that you need to know:
– What the company’s strategy is.
– Understand the causal
5. What are the different types of competencies? Explain with examples.
Ans: Three types of competencies to watch out for
1. Core competencies
It is often seen that core competencies are in direct relation with strategic organization capabilities. For those who are not aware of what this is all about, these capabilities refer to areas in which the organization seeks to have a competitive advantage. Core competencies are extremely useful for individuals to
6. What are challenges in valuation of human resources? Discuss.
The biggest challenge in HR audit is that of assigning monetary values to different dimensions of HR costs, investments and the worth of employees.
The two main approaches usually employed
Assignment Set – 1
1 What is data model? Compare hierarchical. Network and relational data model giving example?
Ans: A data model is defined as an organisation of the real world objects (entities), restrictions on them, and the relationships between the objects. A database language is considered as a tangible syntax for a data model. A data model is implemented by the
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2. What do you understand by ER-Diagram? Create an ER-Diagram for Employee Management System.
Ans: The entity-relationship diagram of Employee Management System shows all the visual instrument of database tables and the relations between Salary, Experience, Employee, Attendance etc. It used structure data and to define the relationships between structured data groups of Employee
3. What is the significance of indexing in database management systems? Discuss any two types of indexing.
Ans: Significance of indexing in database management systems
Indexes are used to quickly locate data without having to search every row in a database table every time a database table is accessed. Indexes can be created using one or more columns of a database table, providing the basis for both rapid random lookups and efficient access of ordered records.
A database index is a data
Assignment Set – 2
1. Explain database anomalies and its types. Comment the significance of normalization in database design.
Ans: Consider the following relation scheme pertaining to the information about a student maintained by a university:
STDINF (Name, Course, Phone_No, Major, Prof, Grade)
Table shows some tuples of a relation on the relation scheme STDINF (Name, Course, Phone_No, Major, Prof, and Grade). The functional dependencies among its attributes are shown in Figure 9.3. The key of the relation is Name Course and the relation has, in addition, the following
2. Explain the concept of Transaction Processing. What are the states of a transaction?
Ans: A user writes data access/update programs in terms of the high-level query and update language supported by the DBMS. To understand how the DBMS handles such requests, with respect to concurrency control and recovery, it is convenient to regard an execution of a user program, or
3. What do you understand by Serializability and Recoverability? Illustrate how to manage rollbacks by locking.
Ans: Recoverability If any transaction that performs a dirty read operation from an uncommitted transaction and also its committed operation becomes delayed till the uncommitted
Assignment Set – 1
1. Give some background on the significance of technology management. Please also provide an explanation of the process framework for managing technology.
Ans: Technology Management provides precise, instantaneous real-time reporting via automation, and this helps the organizations to make sound decisions in terms of resource allocation, budget allocation, quality management and others thereby giving a clear methodology for evaluation and management. This in a long run will turn the organization from cost-centric to profit-
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2. Give an explanation of the significance of the adaptation, diffusion, and absorption of technology. Also, discuss the positive aspects of being absorption of technology in an organization.
Ans: Technology adoption simply means creating a new technology by becoming a pioneer in that field or accepting and integrating new technology into the existing one. It is all about using the technology to the fullest in the process of fitting itself into the customer’s expectations. Adopting new technology
3. Describe the significance of the acquisition of new technology. In the event that any technology is acquired, discuss the entire procurement process.
Ans: Significance of the acquisition of new technology:-
Increased productivity: Technology is a game-changer. It helps to reduce the monotonous work and speeds up the process. Smart technologies aid the firm in better decision making capabilities by providing timely and relevant reports and updates. Using the right technology at the right time helps firms to be productive and effective
Improved products and services: Using the apt technology helps the firm evolve. By this the firms come up with a new and improved products and services. Technology here acts as a catalyst and streamlines the process. Increased revenue: increased productivity achieved by utilizing technology results in
Assignment Set – 2
4. Explore the rationale behind the practice of technology transfer. Describe in detail the process that will be used to transfer the technology.
Ans: Transfer of technology (TOT) or simply Technology transfer is the process of transferring of technology from one entity to another either formally or informally.
Technology Transfer is the process of transferring technology from the parent firm to another for monetary aids and mutual benefits
Technology Transfer is a process
5. If you have access to a particular piece of technology, how do you plan to evaluate it in terms of how it will affect the productivity of any given organization?
1. Automates and Systematizes Workflows and Processes
Many successful businesses use applications for streamlining complex workflows and processes. They have features that ease repetitive and time-consuming tasks. These include activities such as collecting and sorting information or paying bills.
From marketing to operations, there are
6. Provide an overview of the progression of technology for any organization. Also, discuss the major factors that had an impact on the development of the technology.
Ans: 1. Invention
Invention is the act of creating new technology. It involves a new scientific or technical idea, and the means of its embodiment or accomplishment. To be patentable, an invention must be novel and
Assignment Set – 1
1. (a) Define Business Intelligence (BI). Discuss brief history of BI.
Ans: In 1958, IBM researcher, Hans Peter Luhn defined BI as, “The ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presenting facts in such a way as to guide action towards a desired goal.” Moving ahead, in 1989, Future Gartner Group analyst, Howard Dresner defined BI as “Concepts and methods to improve business decision-making by using fact-based support systems.”
BI is the art of Its Half solved only
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2. (a) Discuss the architecture of BI in brief.
Ans: The business intelligence architecture is an arrangement that organizes or structures the data, information management, and technology components. All these components together lay a foundation for building BI that analyzes data. The BI architecture plays a vital role in the projects as it affects the decision- making and its implementation. Fig. demonstrates the architecture of
3. (a) Define data warehousing and discuss its characteristics.
Ans: Data warehousing refers to the process of gathering these data items in a company and storing the same in an integrated data store. According to the Gardner, 1998, “Data warehousing is a process, not a product, for assembling and managing data from various sources for the purpose
(b) Discuss the difference between Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).
Basis of Difference | OLTP | OLAP |
Definition | It is widely famous as an online database management system | It is widely famous as an online database query management system |
Assignment Set – 2
4. (a) Discuss different types of business models.
Ans: There are various types of business models to choose from.
The most commonly used business models are:
• Retailer model: It is the most commonly used business model, wherein finished goods are bought from manufacturers and distributors and sold to the end customers. Grocery stores, pharmacy stores
5. (a) Discuss data extraction process and techniques.
Ans: No matter what the source of data is, data extraction involves mainly three steps. These are shown in the Fig 1:
(b) Discuss Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) framework.
Ans: EPLC helps organizations by providing them an environment where they can achieve consistently positive outcomes. These outcomes are aligned to meet the objectives of the organization, especially those related to expenditure, scheduling, and performance. Successful IT
6. (a) Discuss the applications of dashboards.
Ans: A dashboard is a significant reporting tool of business intelligence and a system of information consisting of important metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are displayed on the screen. The dashboards are visual displays organized in a manner for displaying