Assignment Set – 1
- ‘Community radio stations have the capability to enlighten the rural development in India’. Discuss the statement with examples.
Ans:The statement that “Community radio stations have the capability to enlighten rural development in India” holds true, as community radio has the potential to play a significant role in empowering rural communities and fostering their development.
Here are some reasons supporting this statement along with examples:
Localized Information and Awareness: Community radio stations are rooted in local communities and focus
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- How would you prepare yourself to interview a celebrity of your choice for a television channel?
Ans:Preparing for an interview with a celebrity for a television channel requires thorough research, planning, and professional conduct.
Here are the steps you can take to prepare yourself for such an interview:
Research the Celebrity:
- “Writing for Television is different from writing for print, radio, or the internet”. Comment.
Ans:Writing for television is indeed different from writing for print, radio, or the internet. Here are some key aspects that distinguish television writing:
Visual Medium: Television is primarily a visual medium, and writing for television involves creating content that can be effectively translated into visuals and captured by cameras. Writers must consider the visual elements, such as set design, costumes, props, and actions, and write in a way that engages the audience visually.
Collaborative Process:
Assignment Set – II
- Discuss in detail why TV serials and reality shows continue to attract large audiences everywhere.
Ans:TV serials and reality shows continue to attract large audiences for several reasons:
Entertainment and Escapism: TV serials and reality shows provide entertainment and escapism for viewers. They offer a break from daily routines and allow people to immerse themselves in engaging storylines, relatable characters, and intriguing conflicts. Whether it’s a gripping drama series or a reality competition, these shows offer a form of entertainment that captivates and engages audiences, allowing them to temporarily escape from their own lives.
Emotional Connection
- ‘Mushrooming of news channels may lead to high competition and thereby reduce the quality of the profession’. Critically examine the statement with examples.
Ans:The statement that the mushrooming of news channels may lead to high competition and thereby reduce the quality of the journalism profession can be examined from different perspectives.
Here are some critical points to consider:
Rush for Ratings
- Write briefly regarding production stages – production, pre-production, and post-production with an example.
Ans:Production Stages in Filmmaking: Pre-production: Pre-production is the initial stage of filmmaking where all the planning and preparation takes place before the actual shooting begins. It involves various tasks such as scriptwriting, creating a production budget, securing funding, casting actors, scouting locations, designing sets, and creating a production schedul
Assignment Set – 1
- How is mass media a part of our everyday life? Elaborate with proper examples.
Ans: Mass media has become an integral part of our everyday lives, shaping how we receive and consume information, influencing our opinions, and providing entertainment.
Here are several ways in which mass media has a significant presence in our daily lives, along with examples:
News Consumption: Mass media, including newspapers, television news, radio, and online news sources, provide us with daily updates on local, national, and international events. We rely on these sources to
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- In the context of the rapid growth of digital media, discuss the future of television as a mass communication channel.
Ans: The rapid growth of digital media has undoubtedly transformed the landscape of mass communication, including the television industry. While the future of television as a mass communication channel is evolving, it continues to hold relevance and adapt to changing consumer preferences
- Discuss in detail the history and growth of All India Radio.
Ans: (AIR), known since 1956 as ‘Akashvani,’ is India’s national public radio broadcaster. It was established in 1936. AIR is the largest radio network globally broadcasting organisation all over the world in terms of the number of languages and the spectrum of socioeconomic and cultural diversity it serves. Its home service comprises 420 stations located across the country, reaching nearly 90%
Assignment Set – II
- Analyse the influence of video/visual programs in cultivating violent behaviour among children.
Ans: The influence of video/visual programs on cultivating violent behavior among children is a topic of on-going debate and research.
While it is difficult to establish a direct causal relationship between watching violent content and engaging in violent behavior, there are several factors to consider when analysing this issue:
Observational Learning: Children, especially at a young age, are highly susceptible to observational learning. They tend to imitate behaviors they see in the media, including violence. When
- ‘Radio was considered the best medium for disseminating developmental issues to the rural mass.’ Express your views on this statement.
Ans: The statement that “Radio was considered the best medium for disseminating developmental issues to the rural mass” holds significant validity, particularly in the context of rural areas and developing regions.
Here are my views
- Explain with suitable examples the impact of globalization on Indian cinema.
Ans: Globalization has had a significant impact on Indian cinema, both in terms of content and reach.
Here are some examples of how globalization has influenced Indian cinema:
Increased International Recognition: Indian films, particularly those from the Hindi film industry (Bollywood), have gained global recognition and a wider international audience. Films like “Slum dog Millionaire” (2008), directed by Danny Boyle, showcased Indian talent and culture to a global
SESSION | Jan/Feb 2023 |
course CODE & NAME | DMJ6105– Concept of news and reporting |
Assignment Set – 1
- What are news values? Explain with examples.
Ans:News values are determined by a set of simple factors or “news elements,” like proximity, influence, change, prominence, conflict, topic, usefulness, and rarity. Reporters typically consider seven news elements when making reporting decisions.
Any organisation producing content use the following seven news elements as a starting point and general
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- What is a “Headline”? Explain different types of headlines in example?
Ans:Headlines are the main piece of your article composing. The primary thing can command the notice of your reader or web guest. Your headlines are your first genuine place of association with your forthcoming client, so you need to get them right. Your headlines are imperative to your reader as it is an extraordinary pointer of your actual ‘conduct.’
Types of
- “Inverted pyramid style of news writing helps in better understanding of news”. Explain the statement.
Ans:The statement “Inverted pyramid style of news writing helps in better understanding of news” is accurate. The inverted pyramid style is a widely used approach in news writing where the most important information is presented at the beginning of the article, followed by supporting details in descending order of importance. This structure allows readers to quickly grasp the main points of
Assignment Set – 2
- “Information gathering is a technique as well as an art”. Explain the statement how various techniques and sources that are used for gathering news.
Ans:The statement “Information gathering is a technique as well as an art” highlights the dual nature of gathering news. It involves both technical skills and a creative approach to gather accurate and compelling information. Journalists employ various techniques and sources to gather news, combining their
- Write short notes on the following:
- a) Reporting Ethics
Ans: Reporting ethics refers to the principles and guidelines that journalists and media organizations adhere to when gathering, verifying, and disseminating news stories. Ethical journalism aims to provide accurate, fair, and responsible reporting that upholds the public’s right to information and serves the public interest.
Here are some key
- What is a vox pop? Explain the different types of Vox-Pop.
Ans:’Vox Pop’ comes from the Latin word ‘vox populi’, which means ‘Voice of People’. The Vox Pop is used in media to provide a snapshot of public opinion. Various random questions are asked in vox pop to have people’s views on a particular topic and presented to reflect popular opinion. Vox pops can be published in newspapers or recorded for radio and televis
SESSION | March 2023 |
course CODE & NAME | DMJ6104 Communication theories & Models |
Assignment Set – 1
- Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research. Provide examples.
Ans: Quantitative Research Quantitative research methods are intended to create statistically valid data that reveals the number of people who do or believe something. Quantitative data is usually expressed numerically in the form of averages, ratios, or ranges. When doing a large-scale needs assessment or baseline survey, quantitative research is extremely valuable. It also involves a deductive approach to the relationship between theory and research, emphasising testing theories. It also incorporates practices and norms of the natural scientific model and
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- Explain how mass communication is different from other forms of communication.
Ans: Mass communication is a distinct form of communication that differs from other types of communication based on several key characteristics. Here’s an explanation of how mass communication sets itself apart: Audience Size and Reach: Mass communication involves the dissemination of
- Define theory. Discuss the characteristics of a good theory.
Ans: The term “theory” refers to a “system of concepts and statements, models, or principles that, when applied together, make the empirical world more understandable.” The theory explains the phenomenon based on a set of criteria, whereas the paradigm offers the context or framework within which a theory can be tested and quantified.
Reviewing of all previous findings of similar studies, simple logical deductions, and knowledge of
- Write a short note on empiricism.
Ans: Empiricism is the belief that all knowledge is derived from sense perception and emphasises the importance of experience and evidence. It argues that only a posteriori knowledge can be gained by human beings (i.e., based on experience). Similarly, most empiricists reject the idea of innatism or innate ideas (that the mind is born with ideas or knowledge and is not
- Analyse the social constructivist paradigm using suitable examples.
Ans: The social constructivist paradigm is a theoretical framework within social sciences that emphasizes the role of social interactions, language, and shared meanings in the construction of knowledge and
Assignment Set – 2
- Examine critically the social responsibility theory of media and its relevance in contemporary society.
Ans: The social responsibility theory of media is a normative theory that suggests the media has a responsibility to serve the public interest and function as a watchdog for democracy. It argues that media organizations should be accountable for their actions, provide accurate and unbiased information, and promote the well-being of society. However, while the theory has its merits, its relevance in contemporary society can be subject to critical examinati
- Discuss the significance of models in communication. Write a critique of Aristotle’s communication model.
Ans: Significance of Models in Communication: Models play a crucial role in the field of communication by providing simplified representations of complex communication processes.
Here are some key reasons why models are significant in communication:
- Analyse critically the agenda setting theory of communication with appropriate examples.
Ans: The agenda-setting theory of communication suggests that the media plays a significant role in influencing the public’s perception of social issues by determining the prominence and salience of topics. It posits that the media’s selection and presentation of news stories shape the public’s agenda and the issues they perceive as important. While the theory has garnered considerable attention and suppo
SESSION | MArch 2023 |
course CODE & NAME | DMJ6103; Fundamentals of Photography |
Set – 1
- What are the fundamental principles of photography and how do they impact the final image?
Ans:The fundamental principles of photography are the basic concepts and techniques that guide photographers in capturing compelling and visually appealing images. Understanding these principles is crucial for controlling the technical aspects of photography and creating impactful
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- What is the importance of lighting in photography, and how can different lighting techniques be used to create different moods and emotions in an image?
Ans:Lighting plays a crucial role in photography, as it has a significant impact on the overall mood, atmosphere, and emotional tone of an image. Understanding how to use different lighting techniques can help photographers create specific moods and evoke desired emotions.
Here’s an
- What is the difference between manual and auto mode? What are the basic rules of composition in photography?
Ans: The difference between manual and auto mode in photography lies in how the camera settings are controlled:
Manual Mode: In manual mode, the photographer has full control over all the camera settings, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and focus. The photographer manually adjusts these settings based on their creative intent, the lighting conditions, and the desired
Set – 2
- What are some common challenges faced by photographers, and what techniques can be used to overcome them and achieve successful results?
Ans: Photography comes with its own set of challenges, regardless of the genre or skill level of the photographer.
Here are some common challenges faced by photographers and techniques to overcome them:
Lighting Challenges: Low Light: In situations with low light, use a wider aperture (lower f-stop) to allow more light into the camera or increase the ISO to boost the sensor’s sensitivity. Alternatively, use a tripod
- What is the golden rule in photography? What is the difference between mobile and traditional photography?
Ans: The “golden rule” in photography is not a widely recognized term or principle. It may be a misinterpretation or confusion with the “rule of thirds,” which is a commonly known guideline in photography composition. The rule of thirds suggests dividing the frame into a grid of nine equal parts by drawing two horizontal lines and two vertical lines.
The main subject or points of interest are ideally placed along these lines or at their intersections. While the golden rule is not a specific concept in photography, there are several other
- How does the use of different camera angles and perspectives affect the visual storytelling of an image, and what are some common techniques used in this regard?
Ans: The use of different camera angles and perspectives can greatly impact the visual storytelling of an image. By changing the viewpoint, photographers can evoke specific emotions, convey messages, emphasize certain elements, and create a unique narrative.
Here’s how camera angles and
SESSION | March 2023 |
course CODE & NAME | DMJ6102
Social structure & current affairs |
Assignment Set – 1
- Explain the concept of social structure. Briefly discuss the various elements of social structure.
Ans:”Social structure indicates an ordered arrangement of parts which can be treated transferable being relatively invariant while the other parts themselves are variable”. The word ‘structure’ means an arrangement of parts or components in a systemic pattern. It is a combined picture of interrelated components of any whole. Just as a building structure is made up of bricks, iron, wood, and many other materials, these components work together to make a designed
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- Define social movement. Explain different types of social movements with examples
Ans:Social movements affect society, but they can inspire following social activities. The Indian national movement influenced the development of the Indian Constitution. And how the Indian Constitution played a significant part in bringing about societal transformation. The social revolution of the 19th century, the campaigns against caste and gender discrimination, and
- Analyse gender stereotyping in the media using appropriate example/s.
Ans:Gender stereotyping in the media refers to the portrayal of individuals in ways that reinforce traditional and limiting gender roles and expectations. It perpetuates stereotypes and biases, which can have negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.
Here’s an analysis of gender stereotyping in the media using appropriate examples:
Portrayal of Women:
Assignment Set – 2
- Write your perspective on the recent decision by the National Council of Educational Research and Training’s (NCERT) to omit certain sections from history textbooks for class 12. Provide justification for your response.
Ans:As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or perspectives. However, I can provide a general analysis of the recent decision by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to omit certain sections from history textbooks for class 12.
The decision to omit sections from history textbooks should be critically evaluated based on the justification provided and
- Define society. Discuss the differences between traditional and modern society.
Ans:As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or perspectives.
However, I can provide a general analysis of the recent decision by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to omit certain sections from history textbooks for class 12. The decision to omit sections from history textbooks should be critically evaluated based on the justification provided and the potential implications it may have on students’ educatio
- Examine the impact of digital activism in bringing societal change in your country. Provide appropriate example/s.
Ans: Digital activism, also known as online activism or e-activism, refers to the use of digital platforms and technologies to promote social and political causes, raise awareness, mobilize supporters, and bring about societal change. In many countries, digital activism has played a significant role in shaping public discourse, challenging established power structures, and advocating for various
course CODE & NAME | DMJ6101; Basics of language |
Set – 1
- Define Nouns and Pronouns. Elucidate the different types of Nouns.
Ans: A noun is a word used to refer to people, objects, animals, substances, events, states and feelings. A noun can be a subject or an object of a verb, can be modified by an adjective and can take an article or determiner.
For example:
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- Elaborate upon the steps of Copy editing in your own words.
Ans: Copy Editing is making grammar, spelling, punctuation, and semantics correct. It involves formatting variations and other enhancements to the document and also requires various abilities, including excellent language, an eye for detail, and alertness to find irregularities. Copyediting ensures that the true essence of the story reaches the audience. It is making sure that the facts quoted in the document are accurate. It draws the attention of authorities. In actuality, copy editing is a broad word that differs from one company to the next. As a result, some copy
- Describe Jargons, Slangs and Metaphors in detail giving appropriate
Ans: ‘Jargon’ refers to technical terms that belong to a particular subject area or discipline.
For example, medical jargon would include terms that only medical practitioners can understand. These terms cannot be understood by the common man.
Some of the terms in the medical jargon are, ’agonal’ meaning a major negative change in a patient’s
Set – 2
- What do you understand by Proofreading? Enlist the steps involved in proofreading.
Ans: Proofreading checks a copy to show perusing composed work and denoting any mistakes. These mix-ups most regularly include spelling, language, accentuation, and consistency. Proofreading is the ending of the editing process, and it focuses on minor problems like misspellings and grammatical andpunctuation faults. After completing all of your other editing
- Discuss the three parts of a sentence as well as the two Components of a sentence. Explain the different types of Sentences.
Ans:The three parts of a sentence and the two components of a sentence, as well as the different types of sentences.
Three Parts of a Sentence: A sentence typically consists of three essential parts: Subject: The subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action or is being described. It usually answers the question “Who?” or “What?” For example, in the sentence “John eats an apple,” “John” is the subject.
Verb: The
- Suppose you need to write a news script. Elucidate the writing methodology in detail.
Ans: News Scripts News script is the last update of any event or programme carried forward for the papers, blog, publication distributor, magazine, survey site. TV news is timely compared to print news writing that relates a bigger story, putting all the facts into context. News scriptwriting is a structural and strict process in the sense that it should cover all the relevant