Assignment Set –1
1. Explain basic structure of C program. Write a program to calculate the area of a circle.
Ans: A basic structure in C program can be viewed as a group of building blocks called functions. A function is a subroutine that may include one or more statements designed to perform a specific task.
To write a C program we first create functions and then put them together. A C program may contain one or more Its Half solved only
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2. Describe control statements in C. Explain various control statements in C programming language.
Ans: The decision control statements are the decision making statements that decides the order of execution of statements based on the conditions. In the decision making statements the programmer specify which conditions are to be executed or tested with the statements to be executed if the
3. Discuss the purpose of storage class in C. Explain various types of storage class in C.
Ans: The storage class in the C language for determining the visibility, lifetime, initial value, and memory location of any given variable. The storage classes define the visibility (scope) and the lifetime of any function/ variable within a C program. These classes precede the type that they are going
Assignment Set – 2
4. Define an array. Explain the declaration and initialization of one dimensional and two-dimensional array with an example.
Ans: An array is defined as an ordered set of similar data items. All the data items of an array are stored in consecutive memory locations in RAM. The elements of an array are of same data type and each item can be accessed using the same name.
An array consisting of two subscripts
5 a. Define pointer. Explain the declaration and initialization of a pointer variable.
Ans: A pointer is a variable that points at, or refers to, another variable. That is, if we have a pointer variable of type “pointer to int, “it might point to the int variable i, or to any one of the locations of the int
5 b. Write a C program to illustrate the use of indirection operator toaccess the value pointed by a pointer.
Ans: The use of an indirection operator (*)is to access the value indirectly, through a pointer.
Indirection operator (*)
The Indirection Operator (*) is a unary operator that is used to get the value referenced by a pointer variable stored at
6 a. Define Structure and write the general syntax for declaring andaccessing structure members.
Ans: Structure Definition: A Structure definition creates a format that may be used to declare structure variables.
For e.g.,consider a book
Set – I
1. What do you mean by Normalization? How BCNF is different from 3NF?
Ans: Normalisation comprises of various set of rules which are used to make sure that the database relations are fully normalised by listing the functional dependencies and decomposing them into smaller, efficient tables.
Normalisation primarily Its Half solved only
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2. Explain the eddy architecture and how it allows for extreme flexibility.
Ans: Eddy architecture is a machine learning architecture that is specifically designed for processing streaming data, such as those encountered in real-time data analytics or natural language processing applications.
The Eddy architecture is named after the swirling motion of water in eddies, as it seeks to capture and analyze data streams in a similar way. At a high level, the Eddy architecture consists of three
3. (A) Write a short note on Semantic query optimisation.
Ans: Semantic query optimisation is a technique to modify one query into another query by using the relational database constraints. These constraints may be unique attributes or much more complex constraints. This technique is used for the efficient execution of the query.
Let’s discuss this
Set – IInd
4. What are the major design issues of parallel system? How Intraquery is different from inter-Query parallelism?
Ans: Designing parallel systems is not an easy task.
Some major issues in parallel systems designs are discussed below:
5. (A) What is a persistent programming language? How can it be differentiated with embedded SQL? Illustrate
Ans: Persistent data is defined as the data that continue to occur even after program that generated it, has finished. A programming language which is expanded by means of constructs to manage persistent data is known as a persistent programming language.
A persistent
6. (a) Differentiate between RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS
Ans: Introduction:
Criteria | RDBMS | ODBMS | ORDBMS |
Defining standard | SQL2 | ODMG-2.0 | SQL3 (in process) |
Support For object oriented features | No support provided; Program object is hard to be mapped to the database | Extensive Support provided | Restricted support; mainly to new data type |
1. (A) What are the different stages of evolution of Computer Architecture? Explain in detail.
Ans:Zeroth Generation Computers: The zeroth generation of computers (1642-1946) was distinctly made available by the invention of largely mechanical computers. In 1642, a French mathematician named Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical device which was called Pascaline. In 1822, Its Half solved only
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(b) Explain difference between process and thread. Explain process state diagram in detail.
Ans:In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed by a computer system. It consists of an executable code, memory space, system resources, and a set of data that the program is currently processing. A process is managed by the operating system, which allocates and
2. (a) Explain zero, one, two and three address instruction with the help of given instruction X= (A*B) + (C-D)
In computer programming, an instruction is a statement that tells the computer what to do. There are different types of instructions, such as zero address, one address, two address, and three address instructions, which differ based on the number of operands they requ
3. (A) Explain different types of Hazards in pipelining.
Ans: There are three major categories of hazards that can affect normal operation of a pipeline.
1. Structural hazards (also called resource conflicts): They occur from resource conflicts when the hardware cannot support all possible combinations of instructions in simultaneous overlapped
4. (A) Explain direct and associative mapping in detail.
Ans:Direct mapping
Associative memories are very costly as compared to RAM due to the additional logic association with all cells. Generally there are 2j words in main memory and 2k words in cache memory. The j-bit memory address is separated by 2 fields. K bits are used for index field. J-k bits are long-fie
5. (A) Explain fine-grained and coarse-grained architecture. Discuss differences between them.
Ans: In computer architecture, the terms fine-grained and coarse-grained refer to the level of granularity or detail in the design of a system. These terms are used to describe the level of concurrency and parallelism in the architecture, and they have a significant impact on the performance and scalability o
6. (a) What is RAID? Explain different levels of RAID.
Ans:RAID is the acronym for ‘redundant array of inexpensive disks’. There are several approaches to redundancy that have different overhead and performance. The Patterson, Gibson, and Katz 1987 paper introduced the term RAID. It used a numerical classification for these schemes that has