BBA 1st SEM Aug/Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Solved Assignments











1 Illustrate all the different types of Tenses. Give examples.        10       

Ans 1.


Tenses are a fundamental aspect of grammar that convey the timing of actions or events in a sentence. They enable us to express whether an action is happening in the present, happened in the past, or will occur in the future. English grammar recognizes several different tenses, each serving a unique purpose. In this discussion, we will explore the major types of tenses and provide examples to illustrate their Its Half solved only

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2 Definethe following and also give examples for each:







Ans 2.


Language is a powerful tool for communication, and understanding its fundamental components is essential for effective expression. Among these components, nouns, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections play pivotal roles. Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas, such as “dog,” “Paris,” or “freedom.” Pronouns, like “he,” “she,” or “it,” replace nouns to avoid repetition. Conjunctions, such as “and,” “but,” and “or,” connect words, phrases, or clauses in sentences. Prepositions, like “in,” “on,” and “under,” establish relationships between objects in space or time. Interjections, like “wow,” “ouch,” or “bravo,” convey

3 Illustrate the steps of making a flash card choosing any word of your choice. You may use diagrams.      

Ans 3.


Flashcards, known for their quintessential role in active recall learning, are simple yet remarkably effective educational tools that promote memory retention through repetitious exposure and testing. They’re widely employed in various educational settings, from elementary schools to professional development courses, aiding in the learning of languages, mathematics, science, and more. Essentially, a flashcard contains a cue or question on one side and the corresponding answer or information on the other, acting as a quick reference and self-testing tool. Creating a flashcard can be straightforward, yet it should be meticulously crafted to



4 What are the different types of questions that can be asked from a Reading Comprehension? Explain.   

Ans 4.


Reading comprehension serves as a pivotal skill across various domains, intertwining an individual’s ability to understand, analyze, and assimilate information conveyed through text. This cognitive faculty isn’t merely about discerning words but involves a nuanced engagement with the text, synthesizing its meaning, and connecting it with existing knowledge. Assorted types of questions stemming from reading comprehension tasks are curated to assess diverse

5 Define Leadership. Explain the different types of leadership profiles.

Ans 5.

Definition of Leadership

Leadership is the act or practice of influencing, guiding, and empowering a group or team towards achieving common goals. It involves inspiring others, making strategic decisions, and creating an environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and accomplishment. A good leader typically encompasses traits such as vision, integrity, empathy, resilience, and effective

6 Explain the four quadrants of the Johari Window in detail. Use your own examples.

Ans 6.

The Johari Window is a psychological tool developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955. It’s designed to help individuals understand and improve their self-awareness and interpersonal relationships. The model divides information about a person into four quadrants, each representing a different aspect of their personality or self-concept. Let’s explore each quadrant in detail with

PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)
course CODE & NAME DBB1102 – organizational behaviour

30 Marks each



Assignment Set – 1



  1. Explain the Concept of Organizational Behaviour. Discuss the role of a manager in terms of Organizational Behaviour.

Ans 1.

Organizational Behaviour: An Overview

Organizational Behaviour (OB) is a multidisciplinary field that explores the dynamics of individuals, groups, and structures within an organizational context, with the objective to enhance organizational performance and develop better work environments. It amalgamates insights from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics to understand, predict, and manage human behaviour in Its Half solved only

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  1. Define personality. Examine the various determinants of Personality.

Ans 2.

Personality Definition:

Personality is a complex construct that refers to the consistent and unique behavioral, emotional, and cognitive patterns exhibited by an individual. It’s a blend of traits, behaviors, motivations, and thoughts that persist over time and across situations, distinguishing one person from another. Personality encompasses the ways in which individuals interact with the world and process information, and it guides their


  1. The organizational structure of any business enterprise is affected by several factors. Deliberate on those factors. 10

Ans 3.

The organizational structure of any business enterprise serves as the backbone that supports and guides its functions and processes. This structure is not arbitrarily designed; instead, it is sculpted by an array of factors that influence its formation and evolution, ensuring that the entity is well-equipped to navigate through the varied terrains of the business environment.

Nature and Size of the Business:

Assignment Set – 2


  1. Define Stress. Highlight the major sources of stress.

Ans 1.

Definition of Stress

Stress, in psychological terms, is a feeling of emotional or physical tension that arises from any event or thought that makes an individual feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. It is essentially the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand, and can manifest in a variety of ways, influencing one’s mental, physical, and emotional states. Stress can be classified into two main types: acute stress, which is short-term and can be beneficial in certain situations (often referred to as “eustress”), and chronic stress, which

  1. Explain the Sources of Conflict in an organization. Briefly discuss five different styles of conflict management.

Ans 2.

Sources of Conflict in an Organization

Conflict arises from various sources within an organization, as differing priorities, goals, and perspectives create discord among individuals or groups.

  • Competing Goals: Different departments or teams within an organization often have distinct goals. Sales teams may push for volume and customer acquisition, while production may prioritize efficiency and quality control, potentially causing friction.
  • Scarce Resources: Limited resources such as budgets, personnel, and materials frequently become points of contention, as




  1. Explain the meaning and importance of a Group in an organization. Explain the stages of group development

Ans 3.

Meaning and Importance of a Group in an Organization


A group in an organizational context refers to a collection of individuals who interact and coordinate their efforts towards achieving a common goal or objective. Groups can be formal, where they are officially recognized and established by the organization with a defined purpose, or informal, where connections are built more spontaneously based on personal relationships or common interests.


  • Synergy: Groups foster synergy where the


SESSION Aug/sep 2023
PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)
course CODE & NAME dBB1103 – Business Environment

30 Marks each

Assignment Set – 1



  1. What are the key points to be understood in environmental analysis?

Ans 1.

Environmental analysis is a crucial component of strategic management and decision-making for businesses in today’s dynamic and complex global landscape. It involves the systematic assessment of various external factors that can impact an organization’s performance and competitive position. To understand environmental analysis comprehensively, several key points must be considered:

Environmental Scanning: Environmental analysis begins with environmental scanning, which is the process of collecting information about the external environment. This includes monitoring political, economic, Its Half solved only

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  1. “Knowingly do no harm” is a part of business ethics. What are the activities considered unethical in business ? 3+7

Ans 2.


Business ethics is a crucial aspect of any organization’s operations, emphasizing moral values and principles that guide decision-making and behavior within the business environment. The principle of “knowingly do no harm” serves as a fundamental tenet of business ethics. It implies that businesses should strive to avoid causing harm to individuals, society, and the environment through their actions. Unfortunately, not all businesses adhere to this principle, and various activities are considered unethical due to their harmful consequences. In this essay, we will


  1. What do you mean by Financial System? What are the main components of a financial system?

Ans 3.


The financial system is a vital pillar of any economy, playing a crucial role in channeling funds from savers to borrowers and facilitating economic growth. It encompasses a complex web of institutions, markets, and intermediaries, all working together to ensure the efficient allocation of resources. This essay delves into the concept of the financial system and explores its main components.

Definition of Financial

Assignment Set – 2



  1. How does foreign direct investment help in the acceleration of economy? How is FDI channelized in India?

Ans 4.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in accelerating the economy of a country by fostering economic growth, technological advancement, and employment generation. In the case of India, FDI has become increasingly important in recent years. This essay will discuss how FDI contributes to the acceleration of the economy and the channels through which it is channeled in

  1. In what ways does the public sector help the government and the country?

Ans 5.

The public sector plays a crucial role in supporting the government and contributing to the overall development and well-being of a country. It serves as a key driver of economic growth, social welfare, and infrastructure development. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which the public sector helps the government and the country.

Economic Stability:


  1. Brief about the corporate social responsibility of business houses towards probable customers and human resource with suitable example.

Ans 6.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the ethical and responsible conduct of businesses towards society and the environment, beyond their primary goal of profit maximization. In the context of probable customers and human resources, businesses have certain responsibilities. Here is a brief explanation along with suitable examples:



PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)

30 Marks each



Assignment Set – 1

  1. List the strategies employed by marketers for decisions related to product mix. Briefly explain the factors influencing the product mix decision of a firm.

Ans 1.

In the context of marketing management, the product mix refers to the assortment of products or services offered by a firm. Marketers employ various strategies to make decisions related to the product mix, and these strategies are influenced by several factors. Here are some of the strategies and factors:

Strategies Employed by Its Half solved only

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  1. The societal marketing concept is considered as an extension to marketing concept. How will you justify the context of statement? Discuss in detail with suitable exampl

Ans 2.

The societal marketing concept is indeed an extension of the traditional marketing concept. While the traditional marketing concept primarily focuses on satisfying the needs and wants of consumers to generate profits for the company, the societal marketing concept takes it a step further. It considers not only the company’s profits but also the well-being of society and the environment. Here’s a

  1. There are list of internal and external factors affecting pricing decisions. Interpret the statement and elaborate in detail with suitable examples.

Ans 3.

The statement “There are a list of internal and external factors affecting pricing decisions” refers to the various factors that an organization must consider when determining the price of its products or services. Pricing decisions are critical in marketing strategy as they directly impact a company’s revenue, profit margins, and overall competitiveness. These factors can be categorized into internal factors,

Assignment Set – 2

  1. Define consumer behaviour. Describe in detail factors which determine consumer behaviour.

Ans 4.

Consumer Behavior Definition

Consumer behavior refers to the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants. It involves understanding the decision-making processes they undergo and the external and internal factors that

  1. Define market segmentation. Describe the need for market segmentation.

Ans 5.

Definition of Market Segmentation:

Market segmentation refers to the practice of dividing a market into distinct subsets of consumers with common needs or characteristics and selecting one or more segments to target with a distinct marketing mix. These segments can be distinguished and grouped on various bases such as demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors. The aim is to provide a more focused and tailored marketing approach that precisely caters to the distinct needs and wants

  1. Integrated marketing communication requires rigorous planning and detailing of steps to develop strategy. Considering this statement, discuss the steps followed in developing an integrated promotion mix.

Ans 6.

Developing an integrated promotion mix involves careful planning and coordination of various marketing communication tools to ensure that a consistent and effective message is delivered to the target audience. Here are the steps typically followed in developing an integrated promotion mix:

Understand the Target Audience: The first step is to thoroughly understand the characteristics, needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target audience. This information will help in crafting messages that resonate

SESSION Aug/Sep 2023
PROGRAM BACHELOR of Business administration
course CODE & NAME DBB1105– Computer Fundamentals

Set – 1


  1. Illustrate the architecture of a computer system and explain the functions of various units. 10

Ans 1.


A computer system’s architecture is the blueprint that defines its structure and organization. It encompasses various hardware and software components working together to execute tasks and process information. Understanding this architecture is crucial to comprehend how computers function. This explanation will delve into the key concepts of a computer’s architecture, highlighting the Its Half solved only

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  1. Explain the Volatile and Non-Volatile memory. 10

Ans 2.


Memory is a fundamental component of modern computing, serving as the repository for data and instructions that enable the functioning of electronic devices. Two primary categories of memory, volatile and non-volatile, play distinct roles in this ecosystem. Volatile memory is characterized by its temporary nature, storing data only as long as power is supplied, while non-volatile memory retains data even when power is disconnected. This distinction is critical in determining how data is

  1. What is the difference between Input and Output Devices? 10

Ans 3.


Input and output devices are essential components of computer systems that play distinct roles in the communication between humans and machines. Input devices are responsible for collecting data and user commands and transmitting them to the computer, while output devices convey processed information from the computer to the user. Understanding the differences between these two types of

Set – 2


  1. Briefly explain the software development process. 10

Ans 1.


The software development process is a systematic approach to creating software applications, encompassing various stages from conception to deployment. It is a crucial aspect of modern technology-driven industries, ensuring the delivery of functional and reliable software products. This process involves careful planning, design, coding, testing, and maintenance, with the ultimate goal of meeting user requirements and solving specific problems. In this brief overview, we will delve deeper into the concept of software development, exploring its core stages and methodologies before

  1. Explain different stages in Software Testing. 10

Ans 2.


Software testing is a critical phase in the software development life cycle that ensures the quality and reliability of a software product. It involves systematically evaluating a software application to identify defects, bugs, or issues that may affect its performance or functionality. The testing process is divided into several stages, each with its specific objectives and activities. These stages

  1. Describe the various Computer Generations 10

Ans 3.


Computer generations refer to the different stages of development in computer technology, each characterized by distinct advancements in hardware, software, and computing capabilities. These generations have paved the way for the modern digital age, evolving from massive, room-sized machines to portable devices with immense processing power. In this discussion, we will delve into the concept of computer generations, exploring the key developments and innovations that have