BBA 6th SEM Sample Jan-Feb 2024 Manipal Jaipur University

PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)

30 Marks each



Assignment Set – 1st



  1. What is the fundamental meaning of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and why is it considered crucial for businesses in today’s competitive landscape?

Ans:Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that businesses use to manage and analyze interactions with both current and potential customers. The fundamental meaning of CRM revolves around building and maintaining strong, long-lasting relationships with customers. It involves collecting, organizing, and analyzing customer data to better understand their needs, preferences, and behaviours. The goal is to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately drive business growth.

Key components of CRM include: 

Customer Data Management: Collecting and organizing customer information, including contact details, Its Half solved only

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  1. What are the key challenges specific to implementing CRM systems in B2B markets compared to B2C environments?

Ans:Implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in B2B (business-to-business) markets comes with its own set of challenges, which can differ from those encountered in B2C (business-to-consumer) environments.

Here are some key challenges specific to implementing CRM systems in B2B markets: 

Complex Sales Processes: B2B sales processes are often more complex and involve longer sales cycles, multiple decision-makers, and intricate negotiations. Implementing a CRM system that effectively addresses the complexities of B2B sales can be challenging.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): B2B organizations often employ account-based marketing strategies, focusing on building relationships with entire companies rather than individual consumers.

  1. How does CRM contribute to improving patient engagement and satisfaction in healthcare settings?

Ans:Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays a crucial role in healthcare settings by contributing to the improvement of patient engagement and satisfaction.

Here’s how CRM can impact healthcare in these areas: 

Personalized Patient Communication:  CRM systems in healthcare can store and manage patient information, preferences, and communication history. This enables healthcare providers to send personalized and targeted communication, such as appointment reminders, test results, and


Assignment Set – 2nd



  1. What are the different types of interactive technologies commonly used in CRM initiatives?

Ans:Interactive technologies play a crucial role in enhancing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives by facilitating communication, engagement, and data management.

Here are some common types of interactive technologies used in CRM initiatives: 

Customer Portals:  Web-based portals provide customers with secure access to their accounts, transaction history, and relevant information. Customers can update their profiles, view invoices, and


  1. Explain the strategies for building and maintaining customer loyalty. Also discuss its impact on Business.

Ans:Building and maintaining customer loyalty is essential for the long-term success of any business. Loyal customers not only contribute to consistent revenue but also act as brand advocates, helping to attract new customers through positive word-of-mouth.

Here are strategies for


  1. What operational difficulties do businesses commonly encounter when integrating CRM systems into their workflows?

Ans:While Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems offer numerous benefits, businesses often encounter operational difficulties during the integration process.

Some common challenges include: 

Resistance to Change:  Employees may resist adapting to new technologies and workflows, especially if they are accustomed to existing systems. Overcoming this resistance requires effective change


SESSION January 2024
PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)
course CODE & NAME DBB3202 – Digital Marketing

30 Marks each


Assignment Set – 1st


  1. Prepare a step-by-step guide on the application of E-marketing in business.

Ans: Applying E-marketing, or electronic marketing, involves leveraging digital channels and technologies to promote products or services, build brand awareness, and engage with target audiences.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply E-marketing in a business: 

Step 1: Define Objectives and Goals Identify Business Objectives:  Clearly define the overall business goals and objectives that E-marketing aims to support, whether it’s increasing sales, building brand

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  1. Define the advantages of E-commerce.

Ans:E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. The advantages of e-commerce have contributed significantly to its widespread adoption and growth.

Here are key advantages: 

Global Reach:  E-commerce breaks down geographical barriers, allowing businesses to reach a global audience. Companies can sell their products and services to customers anywhere in the


  1. What are the four steps in the social media model given by Mckinsey?

Ans:McKinsey, a global management consulting firm, has proposed a social media model that consists of four key steps. These steps are designed to help businesses effectively leverage social media for strategic purposes.

The four steps in the McKinsey social media model are: 

Monitor:  The first step involves actively monitoring social media channels to gain insights into what customers, competitors, and the broader market are saying. This includes tracking brand mentions, industry


Assignment Set – 2nd



  1. What are the 4 Cs of Consumer Centricity?

Ans:The 4 Cs of Consumer Centricity is a framework that focuses on putting the consumer at the center of business strategies and decision-making processes. These Cs represent key elements that businesses need to consider to create a customer-centric approach.

The 4 Cs are: 

  • Customer Understanding: The first C emphasizes the importance of deeply understanding



  1. Explain the types of Engagement Marketing?

Ans:Engagement marketing is a strategy that focuses on creating meaningful interactions and connections between a brand and its audience. The goal is to engage customers actively and build long-term relationships. There are various types of engagement marketing tactics, each designed to involve and captivate the target audience.

Here are some key types of engagement marketing: 

  • Content Marketing:


  1. Explain campaign management using Facebook.

Ans:Campaign management on Facebook involves the planning, execution, and analysis of advertising campaigns on the social media platform. Facebook provides a robust advertising platform with various tools and features to help businesses reach their target audience effectively.

Here’s an overview of the key steps involved in campaign management using Facebook: 

  1. Objective Setting: Define clear objectives for your Facebook advertising campaign. Facebook offers
PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)
course CODE & NAME DBB3321 & Modern retail Management Process and Retail Services

30 Marks each


Assignment Set – 1st


  1. Explain the classification of retail business done on merchandises offered and based on ownership.

Ans:Retail businesses can be classified based on two primary criteria: the type of merchandise they offer and the ownership structure. These classifications help differentiate retail establishments based on their core characteristics and business models.

Classification Based on Merchandises Offered:

Food and Grocery Retailers:  Its Half solved only

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  1. Discuss the concept of multichannel retailing. Explain the challenges faced in multichannel retailing.

Ans: Multichannel retailing, also known as Omni channel retailing, refers to the strategy where a retailer offers its products or services through multiple sales channels, providing customers with various options to purchase. This approach acknowledges the diverse ways consumers prefer to shop, whether online or offline, and aims to create a seamless and integrated experience across


  1. Retail strategy is important to achieve the market share in cutthroat competitive market. Keeping this statement in consideration, illustrate the importance of retail strategy.

Ans:Retail strategy plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of a business in the cutthroat competitive market. It involves the planning and execution of various elements to meet the needs of customers, create a competitive advantage, and achieve long-term success.

Here are key points illustrating the importance of retail strategy: 

Market Differentiation:  Retail strategy helps a business stand out in a crowded market. By identifying and


Assignment Set – 2nd


  1. FDI plays important role in the economic growth. Explain the impact of FDI in a country.

Ans: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a significant role in the economic growth of a country by bringing in capital, technology, managerial expertise, and contributing to various aspects of the economy.

The impact of



  1. Explain the use of information technology and also discuss the factors affecting the use of information technology.

Ans: Use of Information Technology (IT):  Information Technology (IT) encompasses the use of computer systems, software, networks, and other technologies to manage and process information. In various sectors, IT plays a critical role, offering a range of applications that enhance efficiency, productivity, communication, and decision-making.

Here are some key areas where IT is commonly used: 

Communication:  Email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaborative platforms facilitate seamless communicate


  1. Describe the ethical aspects in retailing with the help of examples.

Ans:Ethical considerations in retailing are crucial for maintaining trust with customers, fostering positive relationships with stakeholders, and ensuring sustainable business practices.

Here are some ethical aspects in retailing, along with examples: 

Fair Labour


SESSION february 2024
PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)
course CODE & NAME DBB3222 –

Retail Project Property Management and Case Studies in Retail


30 Marks each

Assignment Set – 1st


  1. Describe the Duties of the property manager and characteristics of a property

Ans:The duties of a property manager encompass a wide range of responsibilities related to the effective management and maintenance of real estate. Property managers play a crucial role in ensuring that properties, whether residential, commercial, or industrial, operate smoothly and meet the needs of both owners and tenants.

Here are some key duties of a property manager:

Tenant Relations: Attracting and screening potential tenants. Facilitating lease agreements and renewals. Handling

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  1. Explain the Different Sources for buying a property

Ans:There are various sources for buying a property, and individuals can choose the option that best fits their financial situation, preferences, and goals.

Here are some common sources for purchasing real estate: 

Personal Savings:  Using personal savings is one of the most straightforward ways to buy a property. This involves using funds that have been saved over time, either in a savings account or other

  1. 3. Discuss the role of property in Business & property life cycle

Ans:The role of property is crucial in both business and the property life cycle. Properties serve as integral assets for businesses, providing a physical space for operations, investment opportunities, and potential for growth. The property life cycle encompasses the various stages a property goes through from acquisition to development, operation, and eventual disposition.

Let’s delve into the role of property in business and its life cycle: 

Role of Property in Business:

Assignment Set – 2nd



  1. Explain the different ways to Manage Retail Property

Ans:Managing retail property involves a range of tasks aimed at ensuring the smooth operation, maintenance, and profitability of retail spaces. Effective retail property management requires a combination of strategic planning, tenant relations, financial oversight, and customer-focused initiatives.

Here are different



  1. State factors Affecting Retail Property Value & Methods of property evaluation.

Ans: Factors Affecting Retail Property Value:

Location:  The location of a retail property is a critical factor influencing its value. Proximity to population centers, accessibility, visibility, and the surrounding neighbourhood’s demographics all play a role.

Foot Traffic and Visibility:  Retail properties with high foot traffic and visibility tend to have higher values. A busy location with good visibility can attract more customers, positively impacting the


  1. Enumerate Maintenance of Retail property with the help of suitable examples.

Ans:Maintenance of retail property is essential to ensure its functionality, appearance, and safety. Proper maintenance contributes to a positive shopping environment, tenant satisfaction, and the overall success of the retail space.

Here are key aspects of retail property maintenance along with suitable examples: 

Exterior Maintenance:  Landscaping: Regularly maintain green spaces, trim shrubs, and ensure the overall


30 Marks each


Assignment Set – 1st


  1. What you understand by retail supply chain management. Discuss its importance in present context.

Ans:Retail supply chain management refers to the planning, organization, and coordination of the entire process involved in getting products from manufacturers and suppliers to the end consumers through a network of distribution channels. It encompasses all the activities and processes related to the production, movement, storage, and sale of retail goods.

Key Components of Retail Supply Chain Management: 

Procurement:  Involves Its Half solved only

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  1. Supply chain is important to deliver the product to customers keeping in mind the strategies that benefit the business. Explain in context to the supply chain strategies.

Ans:Supply chain strategies are crucial for businesses to efficiently deliver products to customers while optimizing various elements of the supply chain. These strategies encompass the planning, coordination, and execution of activities from the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of finished products to end-users.

Here are key



  1. Elaborate on the challenges that might by faced in food supply chain and also discuss the suggestions to fix them.

Ans:The food supply chain is complex, involving various stages from production and processing to distribution and retail. Several challenges can arise in managing the food supply chain, impacting the quality, safety, and efficiency of delivering food products to consumers.

Here are some key challenges and suggestions to address them: 

Challenges in the Food Supply Chain:

Quality Control


Assignment Set – 2nd


  1. What do you understand by merchandise mix? Discuss the factors affecting merchandise mix.

Ans:Merchandise mix, also known as product assortment or product mix, refers to the variety and range of products or merchandise that a retailer offers to customers. It involves the combination of different product categories, brands, sizes, colors, and price points available for sale in a retail store or through other channels. The merchandise mix is a critical aspect of retail strategy, influencing customer attraction, satisfaction, and overall business performance.

Factors Affecting Merchandise Mix:

Target Market and


  1. Mention the elements of visual merchandising and its advantages.

Ans:Visual merchandising is a crucial aspect of retailing that involves the strategic presentation of products and the overall store environment to attract and engage customers. It goes beyond merely displaying products and focuses on creating an immersive and appealing shopping experience.

Here are the key elements of visual merchandising and their associated advantages:

Elements of Visual



  1. Discuss the challenges related to International Sourcing.

Ans:International sourcing, the practice of procuring goods and services from global suppliers comes with various challenges due to the complexities associated with cross-border trade, diverse cultures, regulations, and logistical considerations.

Here are some key challenges related to international sourcing: 

Logistical Challenges