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Set – 1


  1. Illustrate the architecture of a computer system and explain the functions of its various units.

Ans 1.

Architecture of a Computer System and Functions of Its Units

A computer system is designed to perform complex computations, process data, and execute instructions to achieve desired results. The architecture of a computer system consists of several integrated components working together to accomplish these tasks. These components include the Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory units, input devices, output devices, and storage systems.


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  1. Explain Volatile and Non-Volatile memory.

Ans 2.

Volatile and Non-Volatile Memory

Memory in a computer system is critical for storing data, instructions, and the results of computations. It can be broadly categorized into two types: volatile and non-volatile memory. Both types serve specific purposes within the computer system, and their characteristics determine how they are used in different contexts. Below is a detailed explanation of volatile and non-volatile



  1. What is the difference between Input and Output Devices?

Ans 3.

Difference Between Input and Output Devices

Input and output devices are fundamental components of a computer system, enabling users to interact with the machine and access its results. These devices bridge the gap between the user and the computer, allowing data to be fed into the system and processed results to be delivered back. Below is



Set – 2


  1. Briefly explain the software development process.

Ans 4.

Software Development Process

The software development process is a systematic approach to designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software applications. It involves a series of well-defined stages to ensure the delivery of high-quality software that meets user requirements. The process is typically guided by a specific development methodology, such as Agile, Waterfall, or DevOps. Each stage plays a critical role in transforming an idea into a fully functional software product.

  1. Requirement Analysis



  1. Explain the different stages in Software Testing.

Ans 5.

Stages in Software Testing

Software testing is a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, focusing on evaluating the software’s functionality, performance, and reliability. The objective of testing is to identify defects and ensure that the software meets specified requirements. The process involves multiple stages, each designed to address specific aspects of quality assurance.

  1. Requirement



  1. Describe the various Computer Generations.

Ans 6.

Computer Generations

The evolution of computers has been categorized into five distinct generations, each marked by significant technological advancements. These generations illustrate the progression of computer technology from mechanical systems to modern, AI-driven devices. Below is an overview of the various