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Assignment Set – 1
1.a. Explain the functions of Production Planning and Control
- Organizations adopt differentiation strategy. Explain.
Ans 1.
- Functions of Production Planning and Control
Production Planning and Control (PPC) are fundamental aspects of the production process in any manufacturing or service delivery setting. These functions ensure that production processes are efficient, cost-effective, and timely. The primary functions of PPC include:
Planning: This is the first step where the production capacity and resources needed are determined. Planners assess the demand forecasts and accordingly plan the production schedule, which
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2a. Explain the basic competitive priorities considered while formulating a firm’s operations strategy.
- What are the factors to be considered when selecting a forecasting method? Explain briefly
Ans 2.
- Basic Competitive Priorities in Operations Strategy
When formulating a firm’s operations strategy, competitive priorities play a pivotal role in aligning the operations with business goals and customer expectations. These priorities help the firm gain a competitive advantage in the market. The basic competitive priorities include:
Cost: Cost is a crucial priority for firms competing in price-sensitive markets. The focus is on minimizing production
3a. What are the factors to be considered while developing layout for manufacturing facilities?
- Explain the important factors that improve product quality.
Ans 3.
- Factors to Consider While Developing Layout for Manufacturing Facilities
Developing an effective layout for manufacturing facilities is critical for achieving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring smooth workflow. The following factors must be considered during the layout design process:
Nature of the Product: The type of product being manufactured greatly influences the layout. For example,
Assignment Set – 2
4a. What is physical modelling of business? Explain briefly.
- Explain five dimensions of project management.
Ans 4.
a. Physical Modelling of Business
Physical modelling of business refers to the creation of tangible or visual representations of business processes, systems, or operations to understand, analyze, and improve them. It is a technique often employed in operations and production management to provide a concrete framework for visualizing abstract concepts. Physical models can range from prototypes and scale models to diagrams and flowcharts that depict workflows, supply chains, or production layouts.
These models are used to simulate real-world scenarios, making it easier to test various operational strategies and
5a. Explain risk management and its various components.
- What are the objectives of Supply Chain Management?
Ans 5.
- Risk Management and Its Various Components
Risk management is a systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and addressing potential risks to minimize their impact on an organization’s operations, finances, or reputation. It is a critical component of business strategy and decision-making, ensuring that uncertainties are managed proactively to protect assets and achieve objectives.
Components of Risk Management
Risk Identification: This
6a. Why is value analysis conducted? List the benefits of value engineering.
- Discuss the concept of 5S with reference to Just-In-Time.
Ans 6.
- Why is Value Analysis Conducted? List the Benefits of Value Engineering
Value analysis is a systematic approach aimed at improving the value of a product or service by examining its functions and costs. It is conducted to identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses, ensuring that a product fulfills its intended purpose at the lowest possible cost without compromising quality or performance. This process is vital for businesses striving to remain competitive and cost-