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SESSION July-Aug 2024
PROGRAM BACHELOR of business administration (BBA)



Assignment Set – 1



  1. Define Organization and Organizational Behaviour (OB). Discuss the various roles of manager in an organisation

Ans 1.

Organization and Organizational Behaviour (OB) and the Roles of Managers in an Organization

An organization is a structured group of individuals working together to achieve specific goals. It provides a framework for coordination, allowing resources and efforts to be directed effectively toward shared objectives. Organizations come in various forms, including businesses, governments, and non-profits. Each type of organization plays a vital role in shaping economic, social, and cultural activities.

Organizational Behaviour (OB) refers



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  1. Explain the term Planning and its importance in an organization. Describe the different steps in planning in terms of launching a new product. 04+06

Ans 2.

Planning and Its Importance in an Organization

Planning is the process of setting objectives and determining the steps required to achieve them. It involves analyzing the present situation, forecasting future conditions, and designing strategies to bridge the gap between the two. As a fundamental managerial function, planning serves as the foundation for all other organizational activities.

Importance of Planning in an Organization:

Planning plays a crucial role in


  1. Describe the concept of Transactional Analysis (TA). Depending upon the ego states of both parties, explain the types of transactions that occur during interactions between people.

Ans 3.

Concept of Transactional Analysis (TA) and Types of Transactions

Concept of Transactional Analysis (TA)

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory developed by Dr. Eric Berne in the 1950s. It focuses on understanding human behavior, communication, and relationships through the lens of social transactions. A transaction refers to an interaction between two individuals where one person initiates a communication and the other responds. TA provides insights into how people communicate and helps individuals improve their interactions by fostering self-awareness and understanding. It is widely used



Assignment Set – 2


  1. What is stress? Discuss stress management techniques taken by an individual and organizations to minimize the work pressure in organizations and to cope up with environmental or job-related factors.

Ans 4.

Stress and Stress Management Techniques

Stress is a physiological and psychological response to external pressures or demands. It arises when an individual perceives an imbalance between the demands placed on them and their ability to cope. Stress can be triggered by various factors, including work-related pressures, environmental challenges, or personal circumstances. While moderate stress can enhance performance and focus,


  1. Describe the term personality. Examine the various determinants of Personality.

Ans 5.

Definition of Personality

Personality refers to the unique combination of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral traits that define an individual’s patterns of thought, feeling, and interaction with their environment. It is the distinctive set of characteristics that make each person different from others. Personality influences how individuals perceive and respond to situations and plays a significant role in shaping relationships, decision-making, and personal success. It evolves over time and is influenced by both intrinsic and


  1. Explain the meaning and importance of a team. Discuss the different types of teams commonly found in organizations.

Ans 6.

Meaning of a Team

A team is a group of individuals working collaboratively to achieve a shared goal. Unlike a group, which may lack common objectives, a team is characterized by mutual accountability, complementary skills, and a unified purpose. Teams bring together diverse perspectives and expertise, enabling organizations to tackle complex tasks effectively. Successful teams rely on communication, trust, and