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Assignment Set – 1st


  1. Define Organizational Behaviour (OB). Discuss challenges and opportunities for today’s managers in using OB concepts.

Ans: Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individually and groups behave as individuals as well as in groups in the organizations. Its main purpose is to build better relationships by achieving individual objectives, group objectives, and organizational objectives and at last, social objectives.

Talcott Parsons defines organization as, “a social unit which is deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek

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  1. Describe personality. Examine the various determinants of Personality.

Ans: The word ‘personality’ has been derived from the Latin word per sona that means to speak through. The concept goes back to the people of ancient Greece and Rome. During those days the public of Greece and Rome entertained themselves through stage shows. The actors of the show used



  1. Define Learning. Explain the different components of Learning.

Ans: Learning is a complex and multifaceted process that involves the acquisition, retention, and application of knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes. It encompasses the ways in which individuals or organizations adapt to their environment through experiences, interactions, and observations. Learning is not limited to formal education but occurs throughout life in various contexts, including work, social interactions, and personal




Assignment Set – 2nd


  1. What is stress? Briefly discuss stress management techniques an individual takes to minimize the work pressure in organizations takes.


Stress is a physiological and psychological response to perceived threats, challenges, or demands that disrupt an individual’s equilibrium or homeostasis. It is a natural and adaptive reaction that prepares the body and mind to cope with perceived dangers or stressors. While some level of stress can be beneficial and motivating, excessive or prolonged stress can have negative effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Stress management techniques can help individuals effectively cope with work pressure and reduce the negative impact of


  1. Examine the sources of conflict in an organization. Briefly discuss five different styles of conflict management according to Thompson.

Ans:Conflict in organizations can arise from various sources, including differences in goals, interests, values, personalities, communication styles, and resource allocation.

Here are some common sources of conflict in organizations:

Interpersonal Conflict: Interpersonal conflict occurs between individuals or groups due to differences in personalities, communication styles, or perceived slights. It may involve conflicts over power, status, recognition, or interpersonal relationships.

Structural Conflict:


  1. Explain the meaning and importance of a team. Discuss the different types of teams commonly found in organizations.

Ans: A team is a group of individuals who come together to collaborate, share resources, and work collectively towards achieving common goals or objectives. Teams are an essential component of organizational structure and functioning, as they enable organizations to leverage the diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives of their members to solve problems, make decisions,