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Assignment Set – 1


  1. Describe the evolution of the concept of human resource management.

Ans 1.

Evolution of the Concept of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) has undergone significant evolution over the centuries, transforming from a mere administrative function to a strategic element of business success. The journey of HRM can be traced through several key phases.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries marked the beginning of organized labor and the need to manage a workforce. Factories brought large numbers of workers under one roof, requiring supervision and


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  1. a. Explain the importance of Human Resources Planning (HRP).
  2. Differentiate between Personnel Management and HRM.

Ans 2.

  1. Importance of Human Resources Planning (HRP)

Human Resources Planning (HRP) is a crucial organizational process that ensures the availability of the right talent at the right time to achieve strategic objectives. Its importance can be understood through several key aspects.

Anticipating Workforce Needs

HRP enables organizations to forecast future workforce requirements based on business goals, market trends, and


  1. Discuss the meaning of recruitment and explain its process.

Ans 3.

Meaning of Recruitment

Recruitment is a fundamental process in human resource management that involves identifying, attracting, and encouraging potential candidates to apply for job openings within an organization. It serves as the gateway to bringing in new talent, ensuring the organization has a capable and competent workforce to achieve its goals. Recruitment is not merely about filling vacancies; it is about finding the right fit between the job and the candidate. This process has strategic



Assignment Set – 2


  1. a. State the benefits of training for employees in an organisation.
  2. State the major issues in performance appraisal.

Ans 4.

  1. Benefits of Training for Employees in an Organization

Training is an essential component of human resource development that focuses on enhancing employees’ skills, knowledge, and competencies. It provides numerous benefits for both employees and the organization, contributing to improved performance and job satisfaction




  1. Discuss the concept of minimum wage, living wage and fair wage.

Ans 5.

Minimum Wage

The concept of a minimum wage refers to the legally mandated lowest amount of compensation that an employer is required to pay their employees for work performed during a specified period. Established by governments or labor regulatory bodies, the minimum wage is intended to prevent exploitation of workers and ensure a basic level of economic security. It acts as a safeguard for unskilled or vulnerable workers, protecting them from receiving wages below a prescribed



  1. a. Explain the significance of International HRM.
  2. What are the factors to be considered in managing employee grievance?

Ans 6.

  1. Significance of International HRM

International Human Resource Management (IHRM) refers to the management of human resources across international boundaries. It involves dealing with diverse cultural, legal, and economic environments while ensuring the organization’s global objectives are achieved. The significance of IHRM lies in several key areas:

Cultural Sensitivity and