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SESSION February/MARCH 2024
course CODE & NAME DCA6102





  1. What is the basic structure of C program? Explain printf() and scanf() functions with an example.

Ans: C is characterized by the ability to write very concise source programs, due in part to the large number of operators included within the language. It has a relatively small instruction set, though actual implementations include extensive library functions which enhance the basic instructions.

There are some variables that are used in more than one function. Such variables are called global variables and are declared in the global declaration section that is outside of all the functions. Every C program must have one main function section. This section contains two parts, declaration part and executable part. The declaration part declares all the variables used in the executable part. There is at least one statement in the executable part. These two parts must appear between opening and

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  1. What is function? Discuss about different classification of user defined functions based on parameter passing and return type with examples.


User-defined functions in C can be classified based on how parameters are passed to them and what they return.


Here are the main classifications: 




  1. Explain the different kinds of loops available in C with examples.

Ans: C provides several types of loops to facilitate repetitive execution of a block of code.


The main types of loops in C are: 


For loop while loop do-while loop


Let’s discuss each of these loops with examples: 


  1. For loop: The




  1. What is the purpose of storage class in C? Explain various types of storage class in C.

Ans: In C, storage classes specify the lifetime, scope, and visibility of variables and functions within a program. They determine how and where variables and functions are stored in memory and how they are accessed during program execution. Storage classes provide flexibility in managing memory and control over variable lifetimes, aiding in efficient memory utilization and program organization.


Various Types of Storage Classes in C:


Auto: The auto storage class is the default storage class for local variables. Variables declared with auto



  1. Describe the process of dynamic memory allocation in C and elaborate on the different dynamic memory allocation functions in the C programming language.

Ans: Dynamic memory allocation in C refers to the process of allocating memory during program execution, rather than at compile time. This allows programs to dynamically adjust memory usage based on runtime requirements. In C, dynamic memory allocation is typically performed using functions from the standard library <stdlib.h>.


Process of Dynamic



  1. (a). What is the difference between structure and union in C?


Structure Union


A structure can store multiple values of the different members A union stores one value at a time for all of its members
A structure’s total size is the sum of the size of every data member A union’s total size is the size of the largest data member.