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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Elaborate the Food Supply Chain Ecosystem. In Indian context what are the factors that affect the Food Supply Chain

Ans 1.

Food Supply Chain Ecosystem

The Food Supply Chain Ecosystem involves the processes and activities that ensure the flow of food from production to consumption. It consists of several key stages and participants that work together to meet consumer demands while maintaining food safety, quality, and sustainability. The ecosystem can be divided into the following main componen

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  1. Why has public concern about the safety of food risen substantially over the past few years? Discuss the Psychological and Behavioral Theories of perceived risk. 4+6

Ans 2.

Rising Public Concern About Food Safety

Over the past few years, public concern about food safety has risen substantially due to a combination of factors that have heightened awareness and anxiety about the risks associated with food consumption. These



  1. Elaborate on the challenges of Livestock Supply Chain.

Ans 3.

Challenges of the Livestock Supply Chain

The livestock supply chain plays a critical role in providing meat, dairy, and other animal-based products to meet global food demand. However, it is inherently complex and faces several challenges due to the biological nature of livestock, the need for stringent health and safety standards, and its environmental impact. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure sustainability, efficiency, and food security.

  1. Perishability and Logistics

Livestock products, such as



Assignment Set – 2



  1. Briefly describe the following terms: i) Wholesale ii) Logistics What are the initiatives taken by Indian Government to advance the Food Industry in India? 2+8

Ans 4.

  1. i) Wholesale

Wholesale refers to the sale of goods in large quantities to retailers, resellers, or industrial users, rather than directly to consumers. In the food industry, wholesalers act as intermediaries between farmers, producers, and retailers, purchasing food products in bulk and distributing them to ensure availability in local markets. Wholesale operations are critical for streamlining the supply chain, reducing costs, and facilitating the flow of goods from producers to end consumer


  1. What are the primary drivers of India’s organic food market? Which organic crops are most widely planted in India? How Government of India promotes Organic Farming? 4+2+4

Ans 5.

Primary Drivers of India’s Organic Food Market

India’s organic food market is growing rapidly, driven by several factors that reflect changing consumer preferences and increased awareness of health and environmental concerns:

  1. Rising Health Consciousness Consumers are increasingly prioritizing health and wellness, leading



  1. Explain the role of internet in the food supply chain to achieve competitive advantage. Discuss the sustainability integration and coordination in the food supply chain. 5+5

Ans 6.

Role of Internet in the Food Supply Chain to Achieve Competitive Advantage

The internet plays a pivotal role in transforming the food supply chain, enabling businesses to achieve a competitive advantage through enhanced efficiency, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Its integration facilitates seamless communication, better resource utilization, and data-driven decision-making.

  1. Enhanced Transparency and