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Internal assignment-obas113 introduction to Sociology


  1. Discuss the emergence of sociology as a distinct discipline. Highlight the factors that led to its development and how Auguste Comte contributed to the foundation of sociology.


The emergence of sociology as a distinct discipline was a response to significant social, political, and economic changes in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly as a result of the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. These events brought about rapid societal transformations that created new challenges and problems that needed to be understood

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  1. Critically evaluate the differences between Conflict Theory and Functionalism as sociological perspectives. How do these theories explain the structure and dynamics of society?


Conflict Theory and Functionalism are two foundational perspectives in sociology that offer distinct interpretations of society’s structure and dynamics. Both theories aim to explain how society functions and how individuals interact within it, but they differ fundamentally in their views on social order,


  1. Explain the role of social groups in society. Compare the characteristics of primary and secondary groups, providing examples of how each type of group influences individual behaviour and social relationships.

Ans: Social groups play a fundamental role in shaping the structure of society and influencing individual behaviour, interactions, and relationships. A social group is defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share common interests, values, or goals, and have a



  1. Discuss the significance of social institutions in maintaining Social order. Choose any two institutions (e.g.. family and religion) and explain their role in shaping societal norms and behaviours.


Social institutions are structured systems of norms, roles, and practices that help organize and govern behavior within society. They provide the framework within which individuals interact and ensure that society functions smoothly. These institutions play a crucial role in maintaining social order by promoting stability, reinforcing societal values, and guiding individual behavior. Among the most important social institutions are the family and religion, both of which have


  1. Explain the four basic forms of social stratification-slavery. estate, class, and caste. Provide examples of how these forms of stratification have shaped societal hierarchies in both historical and contemporary contexts.

Ans: Social stratification refers to the hierarchical arrangement of individuals or groups in society based on their access to resources, power, and status. This structure is often deeply ingrained and impacts an individual’s life chances, opportunities, and social mobility. There are four basic forms of social


  1. Analyse the causes and consequences of youth unrest as a social problem. How do different types of youth agitation manifest, and what are their long-term impacts on society?

Ans: Youth unrest is a significant social issue that has been observed across various societies throughout history. It refers to a state of dissatisfaction, frustration, or discontent among young people, often manifesting in protests, riots, or other forms of collective action.

Causes of Youth