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  1. Elucidate the concept of ‘Historicism’. Discuss Karl Popper’s critique of Historicism.

Ans: Concept of Historicism

Historicism is the idea that history unfolds according to certain fixed patterns, laws, or trajectories that can be discovered and used to predict future social, political, and cultural developments. It emphasizes the historical context as the determining factor for understanding events, ideas, and institutions, arguing that they can only be fully comprehended within their



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  1. Analyse in details the factors responsible for the decline of political theory.

Ans: Factors Responsible for the Decline of Political Theory

Political theory, which traditionally served as a normative and philosophical inquiry into the principles governing political life, experienced a significant decline, particularly during the mid-20th century. This decline is attributed to a range of intellectual, ideological, and methodological factors.

Below is a detailed



  1. Discuss the origins of Positivism with special reference to the contribution of August Comte.

Ans: Origins of Positivism with Special Reference to Auguste Comte

Positivism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the application of scientific methods to understand and analyze phenomena, focusing on observable facts and empirical evidence rather than metaphysical speculation or abstract reasoning. It originated in the early 19th century, primarily as a response to the speculative nature of earlier philosophical traditions, and sought to establish a



  1. ‘Marx defined human freedom as the absence of man’s alienated condition’. Elaborate.

Ans: Marx’s Definition of Human Freedom:

The Absence of Alienation

Karl Marx’s concept of human freedom is deeply rooted in his critique of capitalism and the notion of alienation. For Marx, true human freedom is achieved when individuals are no longer estranged or alienated from their essence, their labour, their fellow human beings, and the products of their work. In this framework, freedom is not merely the absence of external constraints but the realization



  1. Elaborate Benedict Anderson’s concept of ‘nationalism’.

Ans: Benedict Anderson’s Concept of Nationalism: “Imagined Communities”

Benedict Anderson, in his influential work Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1983), offers a unique and widely cited explanation of nationalism. He defines a nation as an “imagined political community” that is both inherently limited and sovereign. His conceptualization of nationalism provides a cultural and historical framework for



  1. Analyse Isaiah Berlin’s theory of liberty.

Ans: Isaiah Berlin’s Theory of Liberty: A Comprehensive Analysis

Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997) was a prominent political philosopher who is best known for his exploration of the concept of liberty. His ideas on liberty have had a profound influence on political theory, especially his distinction between negative and positive liberty. Berlin’s work on liberty