Assignment_DMBA104_MBA 1 _Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021


JUL/AUG 2021







  1. Discuss 5 accounting concepts with suitable example of each concept.


  1. Business separate entity concept

This concept states that business is a separate entity and it is different from the proprietor or the owner. In this concept a company can own assets and incur liabilities in its own name. This separation not only has important legal implication but also has an accounting implication. This enables the business to segregate the transactions of the company from the private transactions of the proprietor(s). It

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2. Prepare trading account of XYZ for the year ending 31 March 2019 from the following information:

Purchases 13,00,000

Sales 15,00,000

Stock (April 1, 2018) 40,000

Wages 30,000

Carriage inwards 14,000

Returns outwards 3,000

Returns inwards 2,500

Freight 15,000

Additional information: Stock on 31 March 2019 was Rs. 1,70,000


Trading Account


3. Distinguish between management accounting and financial accounting.

Answer. Financial accounting is the preparation and communication of financial information to outsiders such as creditors, bankers, government, customers,  etc. Another objective of financial accounting is to give complete picture of the enterprise to shareholders. Management accounting on the other hand, aims at preparing and


4. The Balance Sheet of Punjab Auto Limited as on 31‐12‐2020 was as follows:

 Particulars Rs. Particular Rs. 
 Equity Share Capital 40,000 Plant and Machinery 24,000 
 Capital Reserve 8,000 Land and Buildings 40,000 
 8% Loan on Mortgage 32,000 Furniture & Fixtures 16,000 
 Creditors 16,000 Stock 12,000 
 Bank overdraft 4,000 Debtors 12,000 
  Taxation: Current Future    4,000 4,000 Investments (Short‐term) 4,000 
 Profit and Loss A/c 12,000 Cash in hand 12,000 

                    120000                             120000   

From the above, compute (a) Debt‐Equity Ratio and (b) Proprietary Ratio.


Debt Equity Ratio

The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio is used to evaluate a company’s financial leverage and is calculated by dividing a company’s total liabilities by its shareholder equity. The D/E ratio is an important metric used in corporate finance. It is a measure of the degree to which a company is financing its operations through debt versus wholly owned funds. More specifically, it reflects the ability of shareholder equity to cover all outstanding debts in the event of a

5. State the purpose or objective of preparing a cash flow statement. Also give any two examples of cash flows from operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.


Meaning of Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis is an important tool of financial analysis. It is the process of understanding the change in position with respect to cash in the current year and the reasons

6. Discuss the steps involved in standard costing. Also state the Differences between Standard Costing and Budgetary Control.

Answer. Following are the steps involved in standard costing…

1. Establishment of standards

It is the first step in the standard costing process. Standards have to be set separately for each item of cost. It needs to be done very meticulously.

2. Comparison

Assignment_DMBA103_MBA 1_Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021


JUL/AUG 2021







1. Mr. Vijay, a retired government servant, is considering investing his money in two proposals. He wants to choose the one that has higher average net present value and lower standard deviations. The relevant data are given below. Can you help him choosing the proposal?

 Proposal A Net present value (NPV) Chance of the possible outcome of NPV 
  1559 5662 91750.30 0.40 0.30 
 Proposal B Net present value (NPV) Chance of the possible outcome of NPV 
 -10050 5812 20584 0.30  0.40  0.30 


Proposal A

NPVProbabilityNPV*Probability  NPV– 5485 = (B)(B)(B)* Probability

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A manufacturing firm produces steel pipes in three plants with daily production volumes of 500, 1000 and 2000 units respectively. According to past experience, it is known that the fraction of  defectives output produced by the three plants are respectively 0.005, 0.008 and 0.010. If a pipe is selected from a day’s total production and found to be defective, find out (a) from which plant the pipe comes (b) what is the probability that it comes from first plant?


PlantsProduction(A)Faulty Production(B) (A)*(B)= C(C/30.5) 100  = D

Que3.Explain the following:

Ans a. Probability Sampling and Non-Probability Sampling

Probability sampling provides a scientific technique of drawing samples from the population. The technique of drawing samples is according to the law in which each unit has a predetermined probability of being included in the sample.



4. A report says that 80% of India’s females aged 15-59 are not currently engaged in the workforce. A national agency has an opinion that this percentage may be even more. To validate its opinion, the agency did a survey of randomly chosen 1200 females of the age group 15-59 from the different parts of the country and found 228 females working. Do the figures of the survey help the agency in validation of its opinion?


The survey shows that around 19% of females are working that matches the expectation of 80% not working women in age of 15-59. 

But this doesn’t helps in real analysis that is the validation of 80% non-workingwomen. 

The real problem here lies in the age group chosen as the 15-21 the most people

Q5. What is regression analysis? Explain steps of performing regression analysis in detail?

The following data shows the yearly sales (in million Rs.) of A2Z- corporation for the last nine years. Develop a regression model.



Regression analysis mind set is most mathematically minded method is usually why people shy away from it. This technique is meant for those companies that need in-depth, granular, or quantitative knowledge of what might be impacting sales and how it can be changed in one direction or the other, as necessary.

The regression

6. Four observers determine the moisture content of samples of a powder, each man taking a sample from each of six consignments. Their assessments are given below:


Discuss whether there is any significant difference between consignments. (Useful data: Ftab(5,15):2.96, Ftab(3,15):3.29)


Four observers determine the moisture content of samples of a powder, each man taking a sample from each of six consignments. Their assessments are

Assignment_DMBA106_MBA 1_Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021









1. Define Selection and discuss the process of Selection


The process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job from among the available applicants is called selection. This is the most important stage of employment as the concept of the right candidate for right position, takes its final shape here. Selecting the wrong candidates and rejecting the right candidates could prove to be a costly mistake.

The selection process involves a series of steps which help in evaluating the candidates. The selection process in Its Half solved only

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2. Describe Human Resource Planning. Elaborate the process of Human Resource Planning

Ans. Human Resource Planning (HRP) can be defined as the method of ensuring the right number of qualified people, in the right job at the right time to bring the results in an efficient and effective manner.

HRP is understood as the process of forecasting an organisation’s future demand for, and supply of, the right type of people in the right number. It is only after this that the HR department can initiate the

3. Explain the meaning and types of Appraisal Methods

Ans. A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee’s job performance and contribution to a company. Companies use performance appraisals to determine which employees have contributed the most to the company’s growth, review progress, and reward high-achieving workers. Although there are many different kinds of performance reviews, the most common is a top-down review in which a manager reviews their direct report. Employees who believe the evaluation’s

Q4.Define discipline. Enumerate the steps for disciplinary procedure

Ans. Discipline is employee self-control which prompts him/her to willingly cooperate with the organisational standards, rules, objectives, etc.

Discipline is best defined as the observation of principles, rules or any other laid down procedures, practices, written or otherwise in the organisation by the employees or group of employees, to whom

Q5.Describe the concept of Competency and it’s linkage to various HR systems.

Ans. Competency is defined as “a capacity that exists in a person that leads to a behaviour that meets the job demands within organisational parameters and that in-turn bring about the desired results.”  Competency can also be defined as “an underlying characteristic of a person results in effective and/or superior performance on the job.”

 Competency can be thought of a as a tool that can be used to map ‘best-inclass’ performance–the best performer is always called the competent performer. Competencies are based on Knowledge

Q6.Elaborate on Rewards & Incentives

Ans. Organisation rewards are those that the employee earns as a result of his employment with the organisation. Most organisations link their reward system to employee performance and commitment to the organisation.

Types of rewards:

  • Extrinsic reward – Extrinsic rewards are tangible in nature and are normally under the control of

Assignment_DMBA105_MBA 1_Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021





CREDITS      4

Q1.Define the term ‘managerial economics’. Explain significance of the study of managerial economics?

Ans. Managerial economics is a science that deals with the application of various economic theories, principles, concepts and techniques to business management in order to solve business and management problems. It deals with the practical application of economic theory and methodology in decision-Its Half solved only

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 Que 2. Define production function. State types and functions of production function?

Ans.  A “production function” expresses the technological or engineering relationship between physical quantity of inputs employed and physical quantity of outputs obtained by a firm. It specifies a flow of

Q3. Explain different types of cost?

Ans.   Types of cost

  1. Money cost and real cost – When cost is expressed in terms of money, it is called as money cost. It relates to money outlays by a firm on various factor inputs to produce a commodity. In a monetary economy, all kinds of cost estimations and calculations are made in terms of money only. Hence, 

Que4. Explain causes of inflation in detail?

AnsI. Demand side

Increase in aggregative effective demand is responsible for inflation. In this case, aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply of goods and services. Demand rises much faster than supply.

We can enumerate

Q5. Explain different objectives of pricing policies?

  1. Profit maximisation in the short term – The primary objective of the firm is to maximise its profits. Pricing policy as an instrument to achieve this objective should be formulated in such a way as to maximise the sales revenue and profit. Maximum profit refers to the highest possible profit. In the short run, a firm not only should be able to recover its total costs, but also should get excess revenue over costs. It may follow skimming price policy, i.e., charging a very high price when the product is

Q6. Define monetary policy. State the objectives of monetary policy in developing countries?

Ans. Monetary policy deals with the total money supply and its management in an economy. It is essentially a programme of action undertaken by the monetary authorities, generally the central bank, to

Assignment_DMBA102_MBA 1_Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021


Set – I

Q1. What is communication barrier? Describe various kinds of communication barriers and methods to overcome barriers in organizations.            2+8     

Ans 1.

Communication barrier: Communication fails when the message received is not identical to the message that is sent. Several factors could interfere with the exchange of messages.  Figure depicts the barriers to

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Q2.“Premature evaluations and hurried conclusions distort listening.” Discuss in Detail. 10  


Premature Evaluation and Hurried Conclusions

Listening patiently until the speaker completes his or her argument is necessary for correct interpretation of an oral message. The listener can distort the intended meaning by prejudging the intentions of the speaker, inferring the final meaning of the message, or giving a different twist to the

Q3.What do you understand by communication flow? Discuss the formal and informal lines of organizational communication with suitable examples.       2+8   


Communication flow: A communication network refers to how information flows within the organisation. Information within an organisation generally flows through a system, rather than being a free flow. In the words of Adler, ‘Communication networks are regular patterns of person-to-person relationships through which information flows in an organisation.’ This means that the flow

Set – II

Q4. What is the basic outline of a persuasive letter? Justify the structure of ideas in persuasive letter.           4+6           


Persuasive letters: The most common type of persuasive letter is a sales letter addressed to customers, persuading them to buy your company’s product. A sales letter is similar to an advertisement and uses the

Q5. Describe various types of reports? Elucidate the elements of a formal business report.  5+5        


Types of Business Reports: Reports can be classified based on several criteria, including there use (progress and financial reports), purpose (informational, analytical and persuasive reports), frequency of

Q6. Discuss various types of resumes. Describe the salient features of a good resume. 5+5     


Types of resumes: A resume is a document that summarises your background, educational qualifications, experience and interests. It may be sent not only to current employers, but also to potential employers, who may hire you for a job that has not been announced. From a prospective employer’s point of view, it serves as a screening device, helping to select the most worthy candidates for a particular position and to eliminate the others. From a job seeker’s point of view, the resume conveys how you present your ideas, whether you are organised and

Assignment_DMBA101_MBA 1_Set-1 and 2_Nov_2021


JUL/AUG 2021







Que(1) Define the term Planning. Discuss various steps in Planning.

Ans: Planning can be defined as a basic management function which enables one to select the purpose of the business, and how the resources should be mustered to achieve that purpose to include using the available resources optimally to do that. Planning implies goal setting for the organization keeping in mind the constraints, opportunities, and threats as much as what the person or business which is planning wants to do. Thus, a plan is a blueprint for goal achievement, a blue print that specifies the necessary resource allocations, schedules, tasks, and other actions to Its Half solved only

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Q2.Discuss the concept of Organizing along with importance of the concept.

Ans. The term organisation is used in a generic sense by many to mean anything from a company such as Vodafone to a cultural organisation. The word organising often refers to conducting a party or meeting. But for practicing managers, the term organisation means the formalised and intentional structure of roles and positions.

Organising is a function of the management that follows planning. In order to execute the plan and move towards the goal of the business or any concern, several activities have to be performed. These include human activities, activities by machines, financial activities, marketing of the products and

Q3.What is Controlling? Detail the concept Control as a Feedback System.

Ans Controlling can be defined as measuring and correcting of performance to achieve the organisational goals. According to Brech, “Controlling is a systematic exercise which is called as a process of checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate progress and also recording such experience as is gained as a contribution to possible future needs.

Management control is a feedback mechanism much like a thermostat in a refrigerator. What it does is to cut off the

Que 4 What is meant by Motivation? Explain any one theory of Motivation

Ans Motivation is “the process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction,and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.”

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory

According to this theory, proposed by Maslow (1943), human beings have wants and desires which influence their behaviour. Only dissatisfied needs can influence behaviour. The needs follow an order of importance (called hierarchy) and when a lower need is satisfied, he has a need to satisfy a

Q5.Write a detailed note on the term ‘Team’ along with characteristics of an Effective Team.


A team can be defined as a group of people operating with complementary skills and a high degree of interdependence and accountability to achieve a common and usually difficult goal collectively with authority to execute and the rights to share rewards for the performance.

A team is

Q6. Discuss the concept of Leadership. Detail any one theory of Leadership.

Answer: A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. This definition of leadership captures the leadership essentials of inspiration and preparation. Effective leadership is based upon ideas but won’t happen unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them. In simple words, the leader is the inspiration and the director of the action. He is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills that makes others want to follow his



Q1. What is Operations Research (O.R.)? Discussed the significance and scope of O.R. 3+3+4               10


Operations Research (O.R.): Churchman, Aackoff, and Aruoff defined operations research as “the application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to the operation of a system with optimum solutions to the problems” where ‘optimum’ refers to the best possible alternative.

The objective of OR is to provide a scientific basis to the decision-makers for solving problems involving interaction with various components of the organisation. This can be achieved by employing a Its Half solved only

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Q2. a) Solve the following linear programming problem:

Max. Z  = 20×1 + 10×2

Subject to:  x1 + x2 = 150

x1 ≤ 40

x2 ≥ 20

where  x1, x2 ≥ 0       5 marks


Problem is

Max Z = 20 x1 + 10 x2
subject to
x1 + x2 = 150 x1 ≤ 40 x2 ≥ 20

b) Discuss in brief “Duality” in linear programming problems. How to interpret the primal-dual relationship?            2+3


Duality: Every Linear Programming Problem (LPP) is associated with another linear programming problem involving the same data and optimal solutions. The two problems are said to be duals of each

3. a) A car hire company has one car at each of the five depots D1, D2, D3, D4 & D5.

Customers in each of the five towns A, B, C, D & E requires a car. The distance (in miles)

between the depots (origins) and the towns (destinations) where customers are given in the following distance matrix:

Depots            5          10

                  D1      D2       D3       D4       D5             

            A    160     130       175       190       200                    

            B    135     120       130       160       175                    

Person C    140     110       155       170       185                   

            D     50      50        80        80       110            

            E     55      35        70        80       105            

            How should the cars be assigned to the customers so as to minimize the distance


Ans 3a.

This problem could be solved using the transportation technique. However, only five of the routes will be used and so an additional four routes would have to be included at zero level in order to determine shadow costs and thus test for optimality. The problem is to select five elements from the matrix of Table 1 such that there is one element in each row, one in each column, and the sum is the

 b) Solve the following transportation problem using Vogel’s Approximation Method:

Destination     5         

                             D1      D2      D3      D4    Supply            

Source   S1           7          3        8           6       60                 

               S2           4          2        5          10     100                

               S3           2          6        5           1       40                 

        Demand    20      50      50      80                       


TOTAL number of supply constraints : 3
TOTAL number of demand constraints : 4
Problem Table is



Set – II

Q4.a) Solve the following Integer programming problem using Gomory’s Fractional


Maximize Z = 5×1 + 7×2

Subject to: -2×1 + 3×2 ≤ 6

6×1 + x2 ≤ 30

where x1, x2 ≥ 0 are integers.                      


Problem is

Max Z = 5 x1 + 7 x2
subject to
– 2 x1 + 3 x2 ≤ 6 6 x1 + x2 ≤ 30

b) Solve the following game using Dominance rule:

Player B

                       B1  B2  B3

                 A1  5   20  -10

Player A  A2  10   6    2

                 A3  20   15   18     


Q5. Write short notes on the following concepts:

a) Erlang M/M/1: ∞/FCFS Queuing Model

b) Program Evaluation and Review Technique [PERT]  5+5      10


a) Erlang M/M/1: ∞/FCFS Queuing Model:

The queueing system where the distribution of arrival and the departure both are assumed to be Poisson or the distribution of inter-arrival time and service time are assumed to be Exponentially distributed are called as the Poisson queuing system. The main Poisson queuing

Q 6. The Cargo Honda Ltd. Manufactures around 150 scooters. The daily production

varies from 146 to 154 depending upon the availability of raw materials and other working conditions:

Production  146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154

Per day

Probability  0.04   0.09   0.12   0.14   0.11   0.10   0.20   0.12   0.08

The finished scooters are transported in a specially arranged lorry accommodating

150 scooters. Using following random numbers: 80, 81, 76, 75, 64, 43, 18, 26, 10,

12, 65, 68, 69, 61, 57. Simulate the process to find out:

i) the average number of scooters waiting in the factory. ii) the average number of empty spaces on the lorry.            10       


The random numbers are given in the table below:

  Production per day    Probability  Cumulative Probability  Random Numbers Assigned
  146  .04  0.04  00-03

Assignment_DMBA202_MBA 2_Set-1 & 2_Nov_2021


Set – I

Q 1. What are the steps involved in Financial Planning? What factors need to be taken into consideration while financial planning? 5+5         

Ans 1.

Steps in Financial Planning:

There are six steps involved in financial planning. Figure depicts the steps involved in financial planning.

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Q2A) Explain Operating leverage and financial leverage with their application.  5+2+2+1     

B) Shivam Ltd. has Total Capital of ₹ 60 Lakh. Out of which ₹ 20 Lakh is Equity Capital and ₹ 40 lakh is debt. Rate of interest payable on debt is 12%. The Sales Revenue of YZ Ltd is ₹ 100 lakh. Variable cost is 20% of Sales revenue and ₹ 30 lakh is the fixed cost of operation.                  

Required: Calculate Financial, Operating and Combined Leverages.               

Ans 2a.

Operating Leverage

Operating leverage arises due to the presence of fixed operating expenses in the firm’s income flows. It has a close relationship to business risk. Operating leverage affects business risk factors, which can be viewed as the uncertainty inherent in estimates of future operating income.

The operating leverage takes place when a change in revenue produces a greater change in Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT). It indicates the impact of changes in sales on operating income. A firm with a high operating leverage has a relatively greater effect on EBIT for small changes in sales. A small rise in sales may enhance profits considerably,

Q 3. Write short note on (any two)  5+5      10

1.  Profit Maximization Vs. Wealth maximization

2.  Time value of Money- Compounding and Discounting technique

3.  Cost of different sources of Finance     


Wealth maximisation vs. profit maximisation

Wealth maximisation is superior to profit maximization:

  • Wealth maximisation is based on cash flow. It is not based on the accounting profit as in the case of profit maximisation.
  • Through the process of discounting, wealth maximisation takes care of the quality of cash flow. Converting uncertain distant cash

Set – II

Q 4a. Explain various inventory management techniques in detail.

b. Describe relevant model of Dividend policy in detail by explaining Walter and Gordon Model. 5+5

Ans 4a.

Inventory Management Techniques:         

The importance of effective inventory management is directly influenced by the size of investment in inventory. While the total ordering costs can be decreased by increasing the order size. The carrying cost increases with the increase in order size indicating the need for proper balancing of these two types of costs behaving in opposite directions with changes in size of order.

There are many techniques of management of

Ans 4b.

Dividend relevance models support the view that the dividend policy of the firm has a bearing on share valuation.

Under this section we examine two theories:

 Walter Model

 Gordon Model

Walter model

Prof. James E. Walter considers that dividend pay-outs are relevant and have a bearing on the share prices of the firm. He further states

Q 5 A limited company is considering investing a project requiring a capital outlay of 2,00,000. Forecast for annual income after depreciation but before tax is as follows:     2+2+2+2+2    


Depreciation may be taken as 20% on original cost and taxation at 50% of net income.

You are required to evaluate the project according to each of the following methods:

a) Pay-back method

b) Average Rate of return on original investment method

c) Net present value index method at 10% discount factor

d) Profitability index

e) Internal rate of return method.

Ans 5.

Q 6. a) Describe in detail the factors that need to be taken into consideration while estimating working capital requirements by an organization.

b) How working capital requirements can be estimated by an organization?     5+5     

Ans A.

A large number  of  factors  influence  working  capital needs  of  a firm. The  basic objective of a firm’s working capital management is to ensure that the firm has adequate working capital for its operations, neither too much nor too little. Figure  depicts factors that determine the working


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Q1. What  is  project  management?  Explain  the  phases  of  project management life cycle. 4+6     


Project management: Project management is a valuable means to administer and develop any kind of infrastructure which is required to meet the growing requirements of Indian economy across various sectors like Power, Roads, Ports, IT and so on. In current scenario, it a method vital to the success of both public and private sector projects in India.

  • Project: A project is

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Q2. What do you mean by work breakdown structure? Explain with the help of suitable format.  4+6


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The entire project may be considered to be made up of a number of tasks and sub-tasks placed in different stages called the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).The format for WBS design is used differently by different organizatiions. Mostly graphics is used to display the project components as a hierarchical tree structure or diagram. Figure depicts the WBS

Q3. Differentiate between PERT and CPM.          10       


Differences Between PERT and CPM:

The two fundamental network techniques are: PERT and CPM. PERT, an acronym for Programme Evaluation Review Technique was originally developed to facilitate  the planning  and scheduling  of  the  Polaris  Fleet Ballistic Missile Project of the US government. Designed to handle risk and uncertainty, PERT is quite suitable for research and development programmes, aerospace projects, and other projects relating to new technology. In such projects, there exists variability


Q4. Explain the tools and techniques of quality planning along with its outcome.  5+5


Quality  planning  is  the  process  of  identifying  the quality standards that are related to the project and determining how to these standards can be achieved. It  is  one  of  the  significant  processes  of  project planning and should be performed on a continuous basis and in parallel with the other project planning processes.

A good quality planning process starts with a clear definition of the goals of the project. What is the product or deliverable likely to achieve? What does the product look like? What functions will it perform? How do you

Q5. What is contract management? What are its Phases?            3+7     


Contract management: Contract management is the management of contracts which is entered with clients, sellers, partners,  or  employees.  It  comprises  of negotiating the terms and conditions and ensuring the  compliance  with  the  terms  and  conditions,with documenting and approving on any changes or amendments that may  occur  during  its  implementation  or  execution.  As  we  discussed  in  the previous section, a purchase order becomes a legal contract

Q6. Project termination has negative impact, how can we avoid it?        10       


Project termination is one of the most serious decisions of a project management team and its control board. The decision of project termination affects all the stakeholders of the project and can put some negative impact on the organisation’s growth. So it is important to critically evaluate all the aspects before taking the decision. The project manager and his or her team members will feel that they personally failed. It can also put a negative impact on the team member’s motivation level and their productivity.

The following are the key


Assignment_DMBA204_MBA 2_Set-1 & 2_Nov_2021

Directorate of Online Education


Set – I

Q 1 a. What are Information Systems? Distinguish between Information Technology and Information Systems with the help of an example.

b. Explain evolution of computing over decades with diagram. How does the internet and web differ? 5+5

Ans a.

Information Systems: Information systems are collections of computers, networks, software, and people who create, store, modify, and distribute data and information in any organisation. Computers and information technology (IT) are key ingredients of modern information systems (IS). Information technology includes comput- ing devices such as personal computers, notebook computers, personal digital assistants, mobile phones, and various types of networks that allow the comput- ing devices to connect and to communicate.

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Q2. Discuss IT Interaction model with diagram. How Information Systems are proved to be a positive outcome for organizations? 3+7         


The IT interaction model:

Managing IS in organisations is a highly challenging and complex task. One reason for this complexity is that neither organisations nor the IS they use remain static over time – both change continuously, and it is the job of management to ensure that the systems remain useful and relevant for their organizational goals at all times. Organisations change to respond to the needs of the business and economic environment in which they thrive. They may have to change their services, their products, their internal structure, and the manner in which they do their business to

Q3. What are the three components of a modern information technology infrastructure of an organization? Explain with the help of diagram. 3+7       


Types of Information Technology

Historically, information systems were created for specific functions in the organisation and for particular levels of personnel in the hierarchy. Systems for accounting, operations, marketing, and other functions were largely designed, built, and maintained independently with little sharing of data among them. Each system supported the function for which it was designed. It was in this function that the data for the systems originated and the information and reports originat- ing

Set – II

Q4. Discuss the following management systems:

a. Supply chain management systems (SCM)

b. Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)  5+5     


Supply Chain Management Systems

Supply chain management (SCM) systems evolved alongside MRP and ERP. The basic purpose of such systems is to integrate suppliers and vendors of the host organisation that will allow processes to be integrated across organ- isational boundaries. A supply chain of an organisation consists of the vendors and suppliers who provide materials, parts, and services to the organisation. In a

Q5. What is E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce? Explain Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with an example. 5+5 


E-commerce: Electronic commerce, or e-commerce for short, is a phrase that was coined to designate businesses that were created to use the Internet technologies as a basis for transactions. The first

Q6. Discuss the major goals of database systems, emphasizing the need and challenges of data management. 10           


Goals of Database Management System

(1) To remove problem of data redundancy and inconsistency- Different programmers create files and application programs over a long period and these files are likely to have different format and programs are written in different languages. Same information may be duplicated in various files. E.g. address and telephone number of a particular customer may appear in a file that consist of savings- account record and in a file that consist of checking account records,