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SESSION | JUL – AUG 2024 |
Assignment Set – 1
- Explain the meaning of international business environment. Illustrate the different International Business Management orientations?
Ans 1.
Meaning of International Business Environment
The international business environment refers to the external forces and conditions that influence a company’s ability to conduct business in global markets. It encompasses the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal, and environmental factors that shape international trade and commerce. Unlike domestic business environments, international business environments are complex and dynamic due to differences in cultural practices, political systems, legal frameworks, and economic conditions across countries. Organizations operating internationally must adapt their strategies to align with diverse market requirements and overcome barriers such as
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- Differentiate between the Economic, Socio-cultural and Geographical environment.
Ans 2.
Differences Between Economic, Socio-cultural, and Geographical Environment
Economic Environment The economic environment refers to the financial and economic factors that impact international business operations. These include variables such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rates, exchange rates, income levels, economic policies, and market conditions. The economic environment determines a country’s purchasing power, investment climate, and trade potential. For example, high inflation or currency instability in a country may discourage foreign investment. Developed economies typically offer advanced infrastructure, skilled labor,
- Explain the meaning of international negotiations and describe about the different styles of negotiations.
Ans 3.
Meaning of International Negotiations
International negotiations refer to the process of discussions and deliberations between parties from different countries to reach agreements or resolve disputes. These negotiations are often complex due to variations in cultural, legal, economic, and political systems across nations. International negotiations are crucial in global trade, diplomacy, joint ventures, mergers, and conflict resolution.
Assignment Set – 2
- What are the essential elements of a valid contract?
Ans 4.
Definition of a Contract
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that creates mutual obligations enforceable by law. Contracts form the foundation of business transactions, ensuring that parties adhere to agreed-upon terms. For a contract to be valid, it must meet specific legal requirements that establish its enforceability.
Essential Elements of
- Explain the role of Memorandum of association and article of association in incorporating a company.
Ans 5.
Role of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association in Incorporating a Company
Memorandum of Association
The Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a foundational document that outlines the scope and objectives of a company. It serves as a charter for the company, defining its relationship with the external
- What are the different modes of settlement of disputes?
Ans 6.
Introduction to Dispute Settlement
Dispute settlement refers to the resolution of conflicts between parties through legal or alternative mechanisms. Effective dispute resolution ensures justice, minimizes litigation costs, and preserves relationships. Various modes of dispute settlement are employed depending on the nature and complexity of the dispute. These include both judicial and non-judicial