OMAP104 MA 1st SEM


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  1. Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of comparative politics.

Ans: Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Comparative Politics

Comparative Politics is a subfield within political science that involves the systematic study and analysis of political systems, institutions, behaviours, processes, and policies across different countries. Its main aim is to understand political structures, compare how different systems function, and identify patterns or trends that can help in generalizing political phenomena across diverse



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  1. What are the limits of comparative methods? Highlight the differences between behaviourism and the post-behaviourism and the post- behaviourism approach.


Limits of Comparative Methods in Political Science

While the comparative method has been a valuable tool in political science for understanding political systems, institutions, and behaviour across different countries, it has its limitations:

  1. Cultural and Contextual Differences:
    • The comparative method assumes that political systems can be compared across different contexts, but cultural, social, and historical factors may vary significantly from one country to another. What works in one country may not be applicable in




  1. Briefly describe Structural Functionalist. Elucidate the Structural Functionalist Model of Gabriel Almond and G.B. Powell.

Ans: Structural Functionalism: An Overview

Structural Functionalism is a theoretical framework used in the social sciences, particularly in sociology and political science, to understand how different components of a society or political system function and interact to maintain stability and order. It posits that society or a political system is made up of various structures (institutions, organizations, and norms) that work together to fulfill certain



  1. Discuss the modes of production and the practical aspects of historical materialism in Marxist thought.

Ans: Modes of Production in Marxist Thought:-

In Marxist theory, the modes of production refer to the way societies organize the production of goods and services. This concept is central to understanding historical materialism, which is Marx’s framework for understanding how material conditions (i.e., the forces and relations of production) shape social structures



  1. Illustrate the brief history of Mao Zedong and Cultural Revolution in China.

Ans: Brief History of Mao Zedong Mao Zedong (1893–1976) was a Chinese revolutionary leader and the founding father of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). He played a crucial role in shaping the course of Chinese history in the 20th century and was the leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from its establishment to his death. 


Early Life and Political Career Mao was born in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, in 1893. He came from a peasant family, and his early education was traditional, but he was exposed to revolutionary ideas as he grew


  1. Discuss the meaning and determinants of political culture and write a note on the various agents of political socialization.


Meaning of Political Culture

Political culture refers to the set of attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms that shape the behaviour of individuals within a political system. It encompasses how people perceive political processes, institutions, and authority, as well as their participation in political life. Political culture influences how citizens engage with politics, how they understand their roles within the system, and