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  1. Describe Indology and briefly explain its historical evolution.

Ans: Indology: Meaning and Definition Indology is the study of the history, culture, languages, literature, religion, philosophy, and societies of the Indian subcontinent. It is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses various aspects of India’s past and present, with a focus on its civilizations, texts, and cultural traditions.

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  1. Define Nehruvian Socialism and write a short note on relevance of the Nehruvian philosophy in contemporary scenario.

Ans: Nehruvian Socialism:

Nehruvian socialism refers to the economic and political philosophy adopted by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, which combined elements of democratic socialism with a focus on industrialization, mixed economy, and state-led economic planning. Rooted in a vision of reducing


  1. Compare and contrast Orientalism. Briefly illustrate the contributions of Edward Said in this context.

Ans: Comparison and Contrast: Orientalism

Orientalism refers to the academic and cultural discourse that constructs the “Orient” (the East) as the cultural and intellectual opposite of the “Occident” (the West). It is characterized by a binary framework where the East is often depicted as exotic, backward, and inferior, while the West is viewed as rational, progressive, and superior. Orientalism has served as a tool to justify colonial


  1. Examine the difference between Ambedkar’s and Gandhi’s views on caste.

Ans: Difference between Ambedkar’s and Gandhi’s Views on Caste:

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi were two towering figures in India’s struggle for independence, but they had sharply divergent views on the issue of caste and its place in Indian society. Their perspectives reflected differences in their vision for social reform and justice.

  1. Philosophical Basis:
  • Ambedkar:



  1. Elucidate briefly the role of International Intuitions in Global governance.

Ans: Role of International Institutions in Global Governance

International institutions play a pivotal role in global governance by providing a framework for cooperation, coordination, and regulation among nation-states in addressing global challenges. These institutions help


  1. Discuss the impact of development activities on environment.


Impact of Development Activities on the Environment

Development activities, while aimed at improving human living standards and fostering economic growth, often have significant impacts on the environment. These activities, such as industrialization, urbanization, infrastructure development, and resource extraction, can lead to both short-term and