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SESSION | JUL – AUG 2024 |
Assignment Set – 1
- Explain the concept of Procurement. Also, describe various types of Procurement in detail.
Ans 1.
Concept of Procurement
Procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods, services, or works from an external source. This activity is essential for ensuring that organizations obtain the necessary resources to support their operations or complete specific projects. Procurement is not merely about purchasing; it encompasses identifying needs, selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, and ensuring timely delivery
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- What do you mean by Contracting Strategies? Also, to discuss the various contracting strategies organizations should follow.
Ans 2.
Concept of Contracting Strategies
Contracting strategies refer to the methods and approaches organizations adopt to establish agreements with vendors, suppliers, or contractors. These strategies define the terms and conditions under which goods or services will be delivered, ensuring clarity, minimizing risks, and fostering collaboration between parties. A well-defined contracting strategy aligns the interests of both the buyer and the seller,
- Detailed the concept of Contract Law. Further to explain the structure of the agreement must.
Ans 3.
Concept of Contract Law
Contract law governs the creation, execution, and enforcement of agreements between two or more parties. It ensures that parties involved in a contract fulfill their obligations as per the agreed terms or face legal consequences. This body of law provides a framework for determining what constitutes a valid contract and outlines the remedies available in case of breach.
Assignment Set – 2
- Discuss the concept of Tender List, while explaining the various pros and cons of Prequalification.
Ans 4.
Concept of Tender List
A tender list is a compilation of suppliers, contractors, or service providers invited to submit proposals or bids for a project. This process is an integral part of procurement, ensuring that organizations receive competitive and suitable offers for the required work. The tender list typically includes only those vendors who meet predefined criteria, such as experience, financial stability, and technical
- Explain the concept of Procurement Incentives. Detail the various incentive procurement strategies.
Ans 5.
Concept of Procurement Incentives
Procurement incentives refer to rewards or benefits provided to suppliers, contractors, or vendors to encourage superior performance, cost efficiency, innovation, or timely delivery of goods and services. These incentives are designed to align the objectives of the procuring organization with those of the suppliers, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship. Incentives motivate suppliers to exceed basic
- What do you mean by Contract Management? Also, explain the various Advantages and Challenges of Contract Administration.
Ans 6.
Concept of Contract Management
Contract management refers to the process of creating, executing, monitoring, and closing contracts between two or more parties. It ensures that all contractual obligations are fulfilled efficiently, disputes are minimized, and value is derived from the agreement. Effective contract management encompasses the entire lifecycle of a contract, from negotiation to renewal or termination.
The primary goal of contract management