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SESSION February/MARCH 2024
course CODE & NAME DCA6104 – Advanced Database Management System






  1. What are the various types of database management systems? Briefly explain with the help of example.

Ans: Database management systems (DBMS) come in various types, each designed for specific use cases and requirements.


Here are some common types:


  1. Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS):

– These are the most traditional and widely used types of DBMS.

– Data is organized into tables with rows and columns, and relationships between tables are established using key

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  1. Define functional dependency. Explain transitive dependencies with examples and show how these are significant in designing databases.

Ans: Functional dependency is a concept in database management that describes the relationship between attributes (or columns) within a relation (or table). It specifies that the value of one attribute uniquely determines the value



  1. Describe multi-query optimization with its application. Also discuss the One-Pass algorithm for database.

Ans: Multi-query optimization is a database optimization technique that aims to improve the performance of executing multiple queries simultaneously. Instead of optimizing and executing each query independently, multi-query optimization considers the entire workload of queries and finds efficient ways to execute them together, thereby reducing overall execution time and resource usage.


Here’s how multi-query





  1. Explain the concept of database recovery management. Discuss the different levels of backup used for recovering data.

Ans: Database recovery management is the process of ensuring that a database can be restored to a consistent and usable state after a failure or disaster. This involves creating backups of the database at regular intervals and implementing mechanisms to restore data in case of data loss or corruption. The main goals of database recovery management are to minimize data loss,


  1. What is persistent programming language? How can it be differentiated with embedded SQL? Illustrate.

Ans: A persistent programming language is a programming language that provides built-in support for interacting with persistent storage, such as databases, by integrating database access directly into the language syntax and semantics. This allows developers to manipulate data stored in databases without needing to use external libraries or APIs explicitly. Persistent programming languages




  1. What are the different approaches for XML Query Languages? Explain.

Ans: XML (Extensible Markup Language) query languages are used to retrieve and manipulate data stored in XML documents. Several approaches have been developed to query XML data effectively.


Here are the main approaches:


  1. XPath (XML Path Language):

– XPath is a query language used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.