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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Elucidate the role of Consumer behaviour in Marketing. 10

Ans 1.

Consumer behavior plays a pivotal role in the field of marketing, influencing every aspect of the marketing process. It encompasses the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations make decisions and utilize resources in the process of satisfying their needs and wants. Understanding consumer behavior is crucial for marketers as it provides valuable insights into the factors that drive purchasing decisions, enabling businesses to tailor their strategies and offerings to meet consumer needs effectively. Here, we will elucidate the multifaceted role of consumer behavior in the realm of marketing.

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  1. Explain the role of consumer research in marketing 10

Ans 2.

Consumer research plays a pivotal role in the field of marketing, serving as a cornerstone for understanding and predicting consumer behavior. It involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of information related to consumers, their preferences, attitudes, and purchasing patterns. The insights gained from consumer research are invaluable for businesses in formulating effective marketing strategies and making informed decisions. Here are several key aspects that highlight the significance of consumer research in marketing:

  1. Understanding Consumer Needs and Wants: Consumer research allows businesses to delve into the minds of their target audience, identifying their needs, desires, and preferences. By understanding what motivates consumers to make purchasing decisions, companies can tailor their products and services to meet these specific needs,


  1. Explain Freudian Theory of Personality. 10

Ans 3.

The Freudian Theory of Personality, developed by Sigmund Freud, is a foundational psychological framework that seeks to understand and explain human behavior through the lens of the unconscious mind. Freud’s theory has significant implications for the field of consumer behavior, shedding light on the hidden motivations and desires that drive consumer choices. Here, we will explore the key components of Freudian Theory and its relevance to understanding consumer


Assignment Set – 2


  1. Explain the consumer buying process. 10

Ans 4.

The consumer buying process, also known as the consumer decision-making process, is a series of steps that individuals go through when purchasing a product or service. Understanding this process is crucial for marketers as it provides insights into consumer behavior, helping them tailor their marketing strategies to meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. The consumer buying process typically consists of five stages: problem recognition, information search


  1. Write Short Notes on the following:

Differential Threshold

Subliminal Perception           5*2     

Ans 5.

Differential Threshold:

The concept of the differential threshold is a crucial aspect of consumer behavior, rooted in psychophysics. It refers to the minimum difference in stimulation that can be detected by a person’s senses. In the context of consumer behavior, the term is often associated with marketing and product design. Marketers aim to identify the optimal level of change in a product’s attributes or features that will result in noticeable differences for consumers. This threshold is vital in


Top of Form


  1. Discuss the Diffusion of Innovation with a suitable example. 5+5

Ans 6.

The Diffusion of Innovation theory, developed by Everett Rogers in 1962, explores how new ideas, products, or technologies spread through a population over time. It identifies various stages through which innovation is adopted by individuals or groups, and it categorizes adopters into different segments based on their willingness to embrace change. The theory is crucial in understanding consumer behavior and market dynamics. To illustrate the Diffusion of Innovation, let’s