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course CODE & NAME | DCA2202 Java programming |
Assignment- 1
- Explain any five features of Java.
Ans 1.
5 Features of Java
Java is easy for the professional programmer to learn and use effectively. For an experienced C++ programmer, learning Java will require very little effort because Java inherits the C/C++ syntax and many of the object- oriented features of C++. Expressiveness is more in Java. Most of the complex or confusing features in C++ are removed in Java like pointers etc. or implemented in a cleaner, more approachable manner.
Java forces you to handle
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- What are the different types of operators used in Java?
Ans 2.
Three different kinds of the operator in Java are as follow:
- Arithmetic Operators
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Modulus are the various arithmetic operations that can be performed in Java. Table lists different Arithmetic Operators.
Table : List of Arithmetic
- What do you mean by an array? Explain with an example?
Ans 3.
As mentioned in the beginning, An array is a contiguous memory location of a similar datatype. Each element in an array has a unique index. Every element in the array can be accessed by using the name of the array along with the index. The general syntax for declaring an array is
type arr_name[];
The type determines the
Assignment- 2
- What is the difference between errors and exceptions?
Ans 4.
Errors can be runtime, programming error, invalid input, faulty hardware devices and so on. Such situations must be handled and possible remedies could be: • Notifying the user about the error that has occurred. • Save the work environment. • The program could be exited without effecting other program in running at that moment. This unit aims at providing information about handling situations occurring due to error or faulty conditions. This unit explains the mechanisms available in
- Explain the Synchronization of Threads.
Ans 5.
Thread Synchronization
Multithreading is highly useful and makes multi-tasking easier for Java applications, But the more the number of threads, the more complicated the algorithm becomes. When we try to start multiple threads in one program, interference issues arise because the threads try and access a common, shared resource. For example, If the threads are supposed to write data into a file, multiple threads accessing the same file can lead to data override, leading to loss of information. The memory is also being constantly rewritten with multiple access resulting in errors. Therefore, the
- Explain the life cycle of a Servlet
Ans 6.
Life Cycle of a Servlet
Servlets are Java programs that run on a web server and handle requests from web clients, typically browsers. The life cycle of a servlet is governed by the servlet container, which is part of the web server. This life cycle includes several stages: loading and instantiation, initialization, request handling, and destruction. Here’s a detailed explanation of each stage:
- Loading and Instantiation
The servlet life cycle begins with the loading and instantiation of the servlet class. This stage occurs when