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SESSION | April 2024 |
Assignment Set – 1st
- What do you mean by research? Explain the process of conducting research with the help of taking a research problem into consideration.
Ans: Once you have established the ‘what’ of the study, i.e., the research problem, the next step is the ‘how’ of the study, which specifies the method of achieving the research objectives. In other words, this is the research design. Green et al. (2008) define research design as ‘the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed.
Sellitz et al. (1962) state, ‘A research
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- What do you understand by a research design? Briefly explain the different types of research designs with the help of two examples under each.
Ans: Thyer (1993) states, ‘A traditional research design is a blueprint or detailed plan for how a research study is to be completed—operationalizing variables so they can be measured, selecting a sample of interest to study, collecting data to be used as a basis for testing hypotheses, and analyzing the results.’ Sellitz et al. (1962) state, ‘A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research
- Explain the role of sampling method in business research. Differentiate between probability and non-probability sampling techniques along with the suitable examples under each method.
Ans: Sampling is a crucial aspect of business research, and the method used plays a significant role in determining the reliability and validity of the research findings. The sampling method involves selecting a subset of the population to represent the whole, as it may not be feasible or practical to study the entire population.
Here are several key roles and considerations of sampling methods in business research:
Representativeness: One of the primary
Assignment Set – 2nd
- Discuss the different situations in which primary and secondary methods of data collection will be used. Explain the different methods of collecting primary data with suitable examples.
Ans: Primary Data vs. Secondary Data:
Primary Data: Primary data refers to information collected directly from original sources. This data is specific to the researcher’s particular study or purpose and is gathered first-hand. Primary data is typically more time-consuming and resource-intensive to collect but offers tailored and specific insights.
Situations for Using Primary Data: When Specific Information is needed: Primary data is collected when researchers require specific details that are not available in existing sources. For example, a company
- What do you mean by a Questionnaire? Discuss the detailed process of designing a questionnaire for assessing customer satisfaction of any product.
Ans: Even though the questionnaire method is most used by researchers, designing a well-structured instrument needs considerable skill. Presented below is a standardized process that a researcher can follow.
Questionnaire Design Process:-
A questionnaire is a list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative information.
- Discuss the following:
- Hypothesis and its types
Ans: Types of Hypothesis:
There are two types of hypothesis, i.e., Research Hypothesis and Statistical Hypothesis
- Research Hypothesis: A research hypothesis is a tentative solution for the problem being investigated. It is the supposition that motivates the researcher to accomplish future course of action. In research, the researcher determines whether or not their supposition can be supported through scientific investigation.
- Statistical Hypothesis: Statistical hypothesis is a statement about the population which we want to verify on the basis of sample taken from population. Statistical hypothesis is stated in such a way that they may