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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Explain the remedies which are available to an aggrieved party in case of a breach of contract as per Indian Contract Act.

Ans 1.

Remedies for Breach of Contract under the Indian Contract Act

The Indian Contract Act, 1872, provides a framework for contracts and stipulates various remedies available to an aggrieved party in case of a breach of contract. When one party fails to fulfill their part of the agreement as per the terms of the contract, the other party is entitled to seek legal remedies. The primary objective of these remedies is to ensure that the injured party receives compensation or relief for the harm caused due to the breach. The following are the main remedies available under the

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  1. Differentiate between Condition and Warranty as per Sale of Goods Act 1930.

Ans 2.

Differentiating Between Condition and Warranty under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the terms “condition” and “warranty” are critical in determining the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers. While both terms relate to stipulations in a contract of sale, they carry distinct legal implications and consequences upon breach. Understanding the difference between these two terms is essential for parties involved in buying and selling



  1. Discuss the different provisions laid down in District Forum, State Commission and National Commission.

Ans 3.

Provisions of the District Forum, State Commission, and National Commission under the Consumer Protection Act

The Consumer Protection Act establishes a three-tier system of redressal agencies at the district, state, and national levels to address consumer grievances. These agencies are designed to provide a simple, speedy, and inexpensive redressal of consumer complaints. Each level has distinct jurisdiction and powers based on the value of the goods or services involved and the



Assignment Set – 2



  1. Copyright is an important part of IPR. Explain the definition of copyright and the rights of the owner as per Intellectual Property Rights.

Ans 4.

Definition of Copyright and Rights of the Owner under Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright is a critical component of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), designed to protect the original works of creators, such as writers, artists, composers, and other individuals who produce content that is of a creative nature. This legal protection not only recognizes the creative efforts of individuals but also ensures that they can control the use of their original works and receive



  1. Explain the different types of cybercrimes which are committed in the platform of technology as per IT Act.

Ans 5.

Types of Cybercrimes Under the IT Act

The Information Technology (IT) Act of India addresses a range of cybercrimes, reflecting the broad spectrum of illegal activities that can be committed via digital platforms and technologies. As the internet and digital communication become more integrated into daily life, the nature and scope


  1. If a workman meets an accident what is the liability of the employer as per Workmen Compensations Act, 1923? What do you mean by total disablement, partial and temporary disablement and occupational disease?

Ans 6.

Employer’s Liability and Types of Disablement Under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923

The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, is a pivotal piece of legislation in India that outlines the liability of employers for compensation when a worker suffers an injury, disability, or death due to an accident or occupational disease during employment. This act ensures that workers are provided with financial protection in cases of injuries sustained in the course of their employment.

Employer’s Liability: