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SESSION July-August 2024
course CODE & NAME DCM2105 Financial statement interpretation  




Assignment Set – 1



1.a.Discuss the significance of financial statement analysis. Mention types of financial statements Analysis are there?

Ans 1a.

Significance of Financial Statement Analysis

Financial statement analysis is a vital process for understanding a company’s financial health and performance. It enables stakeholders—investors, creditors, management, and regulators—to make well-informed decisions by interpreting key financial data. The analysis evaluates aspects like profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency, aiding in strategic decision-making.

  1. Decision-Making and Strategy



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  1. Prepare Income Statement for Year ended 31st Dec 2023 from the below information as per schedule III of companies Act 2013.

Gross Revenue                                              Rs 1,000,000

Purchase of Raw material                            Rs 5,60,000

Opening Raw material                                  Rs 2,00,000

Closing of raw material                                Rs 60,000

Depreciation                                                  Rs 25,000                   

Selling expenses                                             Rs 5,000         

Retirement benefit expense                          Rs 50,000       

Salary expense                                               Rs  70,000      

Office equipment (life less than 1 year)       Rs 50,000       

Interest expense                                             Rs 7,000

Tax Expenses                                                             Rs 45000

Extra ordinary Expenses                              Rs 60,000

Ans 1b.

Income Statement for the Year Ended 31st December 2023

(as per Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013)

Gross Revenue: ₹1,000,000

Total Revenue: ₹1,000,000


  1. Cost of Materials Consumed:
    Opening Raw Material: ₹200,000
    Add: Purchase of Raw Material: ₹560,000
    Less: Closing Raw Material: ₹60,000
    Cost of Materials Consumed




  1. From Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31,2023 (in Rs.). Determine Cash from operating activity.

Revenue                                                Expenses    

Sales                Rs. 5,00,000    Cost of Goods Sold                Rs. 2,00,000

Other Revenues         Rs. 50,000       Operating Expenses      Rs. 1,00,000

Interest Expense        Rs. 10,000

Tax Expense  Rs. 20,000

Net Income     Rs. 2,20,000

Additional Information:

Depreciation Expense: Rs. 30,000

Changes in Working Capital:

Increase in Accounts Receivable: Rs. 10,000

Decrease in Inventory: (Rs. 5,000)

Increase in Accounts Payable: Rs. 8,000

Increase in Accrued Expenses: Rs. 3,000

Ans 2.

Cash Flow from Operating Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2023

To determine the Cash Flow from Operating Activities (CFO), we use the Indirect Method. This method starts with the net income and adjusts for non-cash expenses, changes in working capital, and other operating items.

Formula for Cash Flow from Operating Activities:


3 a  Prepare a schedule for changes in the working capital from the Balance sheet data given below:

  Dec 2023 (Rs.) Dec 2024 (Rs.)
Capital & Liabilities:    
Share Capital 6,00,000 7,50,000
Trade creditors 2,12,000 1,40,000
Profit & Loss A/c 28,000 62,000
  8,40,000 9,52,000
Machinery 140,000 2,00,000
Stock-in-trade 2,42,000 2,72,000
Debtors 3,62,000 3,40,000
Cash 96,000 1,40,000
Total 8,40,000 9,52,000


  1. Current ratio = 2.8:1

Acid-Test ratio = 1.5 :1

Working capital = Rs.162000

Find out:

  1. Current assets
  2. Current Liabilities
  3. Liquid assets


Ans 3.

(a) Schedule of Changes in Working Capital

To prepare the schedule of changes in working capital, we calculate the differences in current assets and current liabilities between December 2023 and December 2024.

Current Assets and Liabilities:




Assignment Set – 2


  1. (a) Perform a trend analysis for ABC co. over a five-year period (2018-2022) for sales, expenses, and net income to understand the relationships between these components.

Year    Sales                Expenses        Net Income

2018    Rs. 800,000     Rs. 600,000     Rs. 200,000

2019    Rs. 850,000     Rs. 620,000     Rs. 230,000

2020    Rs. 780,000     Rs. 640,000     Rs. 140,000

2021    Rs. 920,000     Rs. 700,000     Rs. 220,000

2022    Rs. 950,000     Rs. 720,000     Rs. 230,000


(b)₹ 2,00,000 is the cost of revenue from operations, inventory turnover is 8 times, stock at the beginning is 1.5 times of the stock at the end. Calculate the value of opening and closing stock.

Ans 4.

(a) Trend Analysis for ABC Co. (2018-2022)

Step-by-Step Calculation

Trend analysis involves calculating the percentage change in sales, expenses, and net income over the years, with the base year (2018) set at 100%.


Formulas for Trend Analysis:



5 (a) State different techniques of Earnings Management.

(b) Explain different methods used for Financial Forecasting.

Ans 5.

(a) Techniques of Earnings Management

Earnings management involves using accounting methods and judgments to influence reported financial results. While legal within certain limits, these practices can sometimes border on unethical behavior if they mislead stakeholders. Below are the key techniques used for earnings management:

1. Income Smoothing

This involves reducing income fluctuations to present a stable profit trend. Companies manipulate discretionary expenses (e.g., advertising or research and development) to shift expenses or income across periods.

2. Big Bath Accounting


  1. From the following Balance sheet of a SGRCS ltd for the year 2023 and 2024. Prepare a comparative Balance sheet and comment on the financial position of the concern:
Liabilities 2023 2024 Assets 2023 2024
Equity Share capital 6,00,000 8,00,000 Land & Buildings 3,70,000 2,70,000
Reserves & Surplus 3,30,000 2,22,000 Plant & machinery 4,00,000 6,00,000
Debentures 2,00,000 3,00,000 Furniture & Fixtures 20,000 25,000
Long-term loans on mortgage 1,50,000 2,00,000 Other fixed assets 25,000 30,000
Bills payable 50,000 45,000 Cash in hand and bank 20,000 80,000
Sundry creditors 1,00,000 1,20,000 Bills receivable 1,50,000 90,000
Other current Liabilities 5,000 10,000 Sundry Debtors 2,00,000 2,50,000
      Stock 2,50,000 3,50,000
      Prepaid Expenses   2,000
Total 14,35,000 16,97,000 Total 14,35,000 16,97,000


Ans 6.

Comparative Balance Sheet of SGRCS Ltd. for the Year 2023 and 2024

Step 1: Calculate the Absolute Change

Absolute Change = 2024 Value – 2023 Value

Step 2: Calculate the Percentage Change