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Assignment Set – 1st
- Define ‘Human Resource Management’ highlighting its features. State five differences between ‘Personnel Management’ and ‘Human Resource Management’.
Ans: Definition of Human Resource Management (HRM) Human Resource Management (HRM) is a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. It involves the processes of recruiting, hiring, deploying, and managing an organization’s employees. HRM aims to optimize employee performance to achieve the organization’s strategic objectives.
Features of Human Resource
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- Explain ‘Human Resource Planning’ and highlight its importance.
Ans: Human Resource Planning (HRP) Human Resource Planning (HRP) is a systematic process used by organizations to ensure they have the right number of people, with the right skills, at the right time, to achieve their strategic objectives. HRP involves forecasting future human resource needs, analyzing the current workforce, and developing strategies to meet those needs through recruitment, training, development, and retention.
Importance of Human Resource Planning Alignment with Strategic Goals:
HRP ensures that the
- Explain the concept of ‘Job Description’. Discuss the process of job description detailing all its steps.
Ans: Concept of Job Description A job description is a formal document that outlines the duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and requirements for a specific job within an organization. It serves as a critical tool for both employers and employees by clearly defining what is expected in a particular role
Assignment Set – 2nd
- Discuss the concept of ‘Recruitment’. Elaborate the process of recruitment.
Concept of Recruitment
Recruitment is the process by which organizations identify, attract, and select suitable candidates to fill job vacancies. It is a critical function of human resource management aimed at ensuring that the organization has the right people in the right roles to achieve its objectives. Recruitment involves a series of activities designed to source, screen, and hire the best candidates
- Define ‘Performance Appraisal’. Highlight the methods of performance appraisal in brief.
Ans: Definition of Performance:-
Appraisal Performance appraisal, also known as performance evaluation or performance review, is a systematic process by which an organization assesses an employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to established criteria and organizational objectives.
The main purposes of performance appraisal are to provide feedback to employees, identify areas for improvement, set goals, and inform decisions related to promotions, compensation, and training. Methods of Performance Appraisal There are several methods of performance appraisal, each with its
- Define the concept of ‘Employee Counselling’. What are the objectives of employee counselling?
Ans: Concept of Employee:-
Counselling Employee counselling is a supportive process offered by organizations to help employees address and resolve personal or work-related issues that may be affecting their performance, well-being, and overall job satisfaction. It involves providing a safe, confidential environment where employees can discuss their concerns with a trained counsellor or advisor. The goal is to provide guidance, support, and strategies to help employees manage their