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SESSION March 2024


Assignment Set – 1st



  1. Explain the importance of International Business. Explain the challenges faced while doing international business.

Ans: International business involves several benefits due to which companies expand into the foreign markets.

Some of the advantages are as follows:

  • Low production Costs – Companies normally identify nations that have abundant cheaper resources in terms of labor, material, logistics and technology to lower their cost of production and make profits at a larger scale.

For example, countries

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  1. Write short note on following:
  2. Impact of Demographic Environment on IB

Ans: Impact of Demographic Environment on International Business

The demographic environment, which encompasses the characteristics of a population such as age, gender, income, education, and cultural background, plays a significant role in shaping international business (IB). Understanding and adapting to demographic trends and shifts can greatly influence business strategies, operations, and market opportunities.

Here are key ways


  1. Write notes on the following:
  2. Negative impact of Globalization


Ans: While globalization has brought numerous benefits such as increased trade, economic growth, and cultural exchange, it also has some negative consequences.


Here are several key negative impacts of globalization: 


Income Inequality:  Globalization has exacerbated income inequality both within and between countries. While some






Assignment Set – 2nd


  1. What is International Financial Management? Explain the types International Accounting Standards.

Ans: The term International:-

Financial Management refers to managing financial resources in an international business environment, in a manner in which the organization maximizes returns and profits. This is achieved through accounting, managing fixed assets, and identifying income and expenses.

Financial management involves recording and maintenance of all monetary transactions in a standard manner in order to show the financial position and performance of the organization. Financial Management can

  1. Explain FDI? Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI.

Ans: FDI creates an inflow of foreign currency and financial investment into a country. This is an integral part of the national financial accounts as it influences the exchange rate and foreign exchange reserves.

In simple terms, foreign direct investment or FDI means an investment made by foreign investors into the host country. Investment can be made in infrastructure, real estate, industries, businesses, sectors, and financial institutions of the host country. For instance, roads, ports, rail, plants & machinery, equipment, insurance, banking companies, and into organizations like investment


  1. Write notes on the following:

Recruitment of Expatriates

Ans: Recruitment of expatriates refers to the process of hiring employees who are not native to the country where they will be working. This is common in multinational companies that require skilled labor and management expertise in their overseas operations. The process of recruiting expatriates involves several steps and considerations to ensure the selection of suitable candidates and their successful integration into the host country’s environment.

Here is an in-