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SESSION | jul – aug 2024 |
Assignment Set – 1
- Define Leadership. Along with That, Describe the Trait Theory of Leadership with Suitable Example
Ans 1.
Definition of Leadership
Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, guide, and inspire others toward achieving a common goal. It involves setting a vision, fostering collaboration, and motivating individuals or groups to work efficiently and effectively. Leadership extends beyond authority or positional power and is rooted in personal qualities, skills, and behaviors that inspire trust and commitment.
A successful leader blends strategic thinking with emotional intelligence, fostering an environment where teams can thrive and
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- What is Contingency Theory? Discuss in Detail
Ans 2.
Definition of Contingency Theory
The Contingency Theory of Leadership asserts that there is no single best way to lead an organization or group. Instead, effective leadership depends on various situational factors, including the leader’s style, the nature of the task, and the characteristics of the team. This theory recognizes that leadership effectiveness is context-dependent and emphasizes flexibility in adapting to changing
- What Do You Understand by Group Dynamics? Introduce the Concept of 360° Feedback and Ethical Leadership
Ans 3.
Group Dynamics
Group dynamics refers to the behavioral and psychological processes that occur within a group or between groups. It encompasses how individuals interact, communicate, and collaborate within a group to achieve shared goals. Effective group dynamics are essential for team performance, as they influence decision-making, conflict resolution, and overall productivity.
Groups typically go through stages of development, as outlined in Tuckman’s model: forming, storming, norming,
Assignment Set – 2
- Explain the Sources of Motivation. Also, Discuss the Model of Four Competencies of Leadership
Ans 4.
Sources of Motivation
Motivation is the intrinsic or extrinsic force that drives individuals to act and achieve goals. It plays a crucial role in determining employee engagement, performance, and satisfaction within an organization. There are two primary sources of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation arises from within an individual. It is driven by personal satisfaction, curiosity, and a desire to achieve mastery. Examples include pursuing challenging tasks or learning new skills
- State the Significance of Organizational Culture. Explain the Outcome-Oriented Culture in an Organization
Ans 5.
Significance of Organizational Culture
Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices that shape the behavior and attitudes of employees within an organization. It acts as a guiding framework, influencing how employees interact, make decisions, and approach their work. A strong organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall success and sustainability of a business.
Fosters Identity and Belonging:
- Discuss Ethical Leadership and Its Dark Sides in Detail
Ans 6.
Ethical Leadership
Ethical leadership involves guiding an organization based on principles of integrity, fairness, accountability, and respect. Ethical leaders prioritize the welfare of their employees and stakeholders, ensuring their decisions align with moral and ethical values. This leadership style not only builds trust but also creates a positive organizational culture that encourages ethical behavior at all