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SESSION | February – March 2024 |
CREDITS | 04 |
Assignment Set – 1st
- Define the production, planning and control (PPC). Mention various PPC function in details.
Ans: Production, Planning, and Control (PPC)
Definition: Production, Planning, and Control (PPC) is a management function that coordinates and integrates the production processes to ensure that goods are produced efficiently, on time, and within budget. PPC aims to maximize the utilization of resources (labour, materials, and machinery), minimize production costs, ensure timely delivery of products, and maintain high quality standards.
Functions of PPC:-
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- Discuss the various functions and task of production control. Mention the objectives of Demand forecasting.
Ans: Functions and Tasks of Production
Control Production control is a vital aspect of production management that ensures the efficient and smooth operation of manufacturing processes. It involves planning, directing, and regulating production activities to achieve optimal efficiency and meet production targets.
The primary
- What is your understanding of operation scheduling? Discuss the various purposes of operation scheduling.
Understanding Operation Scheduling Operation scheduling is a critical aspect of production management that involves planning and organizing the sequence and timing of operations required to complete a manufacturing process.
It aims to ensure that resources such as labour, machines, and materials are utilized efficiently, production deadlines are met, and products are manufactured at the lowest possible cost. Operation
Assignment Set – 2nd
- Discuss the concept of flexible manufacturing system. Mention the fundamental of building blocks of a flexible system with suitable examples.
Ans: Concept of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is an advanced manufacturing technology designed to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of production processes. FMS consists of a group of workstations or machines interconnected by a material handling system and controlled by a central computer. The primary objective of FMS is to adapt quickly to changes in product design and production volume, thereby reducing downtime and improving productivity.
Key Characteristics of FMS Flexibility: The ability to process different products in varying quantities without significant downtime for changeover.
- What is your understanding on quality planning? Mention the various steps of Maintenance planning.
Ans: Understanding Quality Planning Quality planning is a crucial aspect of quality management that focuses on setting quality objectives and specifying necessary operational processes and resources to meet those objectives. It involves determining quality standards, developing processes to achieve those standards, and outlining the responsibilities and timelines for achieving quality goals. The goal of quality planning is to ensure that products or services meet customer expectations and regulatory requirements consistently.
Key Elements of Quality Planning Quality Objectives:
Defining clear, meas
- Discuss the concept of role of production planning in supply chain and logistics. Mention the types of supply chain management (SCM) concepts with examples.
Role of Production Planning in Supply Chain and Logistics:-
Production planning is a crucial aspect of supply chain management (SCM) and logistics. It involves determining the production schedule, allocating resources, and coordinating all activities necessary to produce goods and services. Effective production planning ensures that production processes are efficient, costs are minimized, and customer demands are met on time.
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