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Assignment Set – 1


  1. Identify the factors of evolution in service sector. Support your answers with suitable examples

Ans 1.

Factors of Evolution in the Service Sector

The service sector has experienced significant evolution over the years, driven by various factors that have transformed it into a dominant component of global economies. Understanding these factors provides insight into the rapid growth and diversification of services worldwide.

Technological Advancements: Technological innovation has been a primary driver in the evolution of the service sector. The


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  1. Explain Importance and Elements of Service Design System in detail

Ans 2.

Importance and Elements of Service Design System

Service design is a critical component of service operations management as it focuses on creating effective and customer-centric services. A well-structured service design system ensures seamless service delivery, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

Importance of Service Design System:

Enhancing Customer Experience:



  1. Assess the Perspectives on Service Quality with suitable examples.

Ans 3.

Perspectives on Service Quality

Service quality is a multidimensional concept that influences customer satisfaction, loyalty, and organizational success. Assessing service quality requires understanding its different perspectives and how they shape consumer perceptions.

Customer Perspective: From the customer’s viewpoint, service quality is determined by how well the service meets their expectations. Key dimensions include reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy


Assignment Set – 2



  1. Explain Qualitative techniques in detail with suitable examples

Ans 4.

Qualitative Techniques in Detail with Examples

Qualitative techniques are research methodologies used to gather non-numerical data and gain in-depth insights into a subject. These techniques focus on understanding human behavior, attitudes, motivations, and


  1. Identify How to handle scheduling work force? Support your answers with examp

Ans 5.

How to Handle Scheduling Workforce with Examples

Workforce scheduling involves allocating tasks and shifts to employees in a way that optimizes productivity while balancing organizational needs and employee preferences. Effective scheduling ensures smooth operations,


  1. Relate single server queuing model with finite calling – Support your answers with examples.

Ans 6.

Single-Server Queuing Model with Finite Calling: A Detailed Explanation

The single-server queuing model with finite calling is a mathematical framework used to analyze systems where a single service facility caters to a limited population of customers or calling units. This model is particularly useful in understanding systems where the number of potential customers is constrained