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course CODE & NAME | DRMM303
Advanced Operations Management |
CREDITS | 04 |
Assignment Set – 1st
- What in your opinion is Production and Operations Management? Add suitable figures, examples to support your answer.
Ans: Production and Operations Management (POM): Production and Operations Management (POM) is a field of management that focuses on the planning, execution, and control of the processes that transform inputs (raw materials, labour, energy, information) into outputs (
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- What are the objectives of Production Planning and Control? Can you explain why do we need PPC?
Ans:Objectives of Production Planning and Control (PPC): Production Planning and Control (PPC) is a crucial aspect of manufacturing and services industries. The primary objectives of PPC are to ensure the efficient utilization of resources, timely production of high-quality products or services, and the satisfaction of customer demands.
Here are
- Discuss in detail your understand on the concept of Material Management and its scope. Add suitable figures, examples to support your answer.
Ans:Material Management: Material Management is a comprehensive approach to planning, organizing, and controlling all activities related to the acquisition, storage, distribution, and utilization of materials within an organization. It encompasses a set of functions and processes aimed at efficiently managing the entire lifecycle of materials, from procurement to disposal.
Assignment Set – 2nd
- In your Opinion what is the concept of local competition? Add suitable figures, examples to support your answer.
Ans:Concept of Local Competition: Local competition refers to the rivalry and competition among businesses operating within a specific geographic area, such as a city, town, or neighbourhood. It involves businesses vying for the attention, loyalty, and spending of local consumers who reside or work in that particular area. Local competition is influenced by factors like market demographics, consumer preferences, and the economic environment of the
- Can you explain what is store Management in detail? Add suitable figures, examples to support your answer?
Ans:Store Management: Store Management refers to the systematic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of activities related to the operation of a retail store. It involves a range of tasks aimed at ensuring the efficient functioning of the store, maximizing sales, providing a positive customer experience, and managing inventory effectively. Store Management
- Discuss in detail the role of franchisors in Market? Add suitable figures, examples to support your answer?
Ans:Role of Franchisors in the Market:
Franchisors play a pivotal role in the market by creating and expanding a network of franchise businesses.
A franchisor is the entity that grants the right to individuals or entities (franchisees) to operate a business under its