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Assignment Set – 1
- Explore the various economic systems, each distinguished by unique features, advantages, and drawbacks.
Ans 1.
Economic systems are frameworks that societies use to determine what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom production is intended. These systems are critical in shaping the economic directions and structures of nations. This essay explores the three primary economic systems: capitalism, socialism, and mixed economy, each characterized by distinct features, advantages, and
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- Explain the components of micro environment.
Ans 2.
Components of Micro Environment
- Illustrate the roles undertaken by the legislative and executive branches in India, elucidating the distinct functions each branch performs within the framework of the country’s governance.
Ans 3.
India, as a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic, operates under a framework established by its Constitution, which provides for a separation of powers among the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches. The legislative and executive branches play crucial roles in the governance of the country, each with distinct functions but interlinked responsibilities. Understanding the roles
Assignment Set – 2
- Describe the concept and instruments of monetary policy.
Ans 4.
Monetary policy refers to the process by which a central bank, currency board, or other regulatory committee governs the supply of money and interest rates in an economy. It is primarily used to manage economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. The central aim is to achieve a stable
- Elaborate on the concept of foreign investment and explore its diverse categories.
Ans 5.
Foreign investment involves capital flows from one country to another, granting the investor ownership in foreign companies, assets, or interest in overseas business operations. This type of investment is pivotal for global economic integration, facilitating not just capital movements but also
- Examine the different types of exchange rate systems to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the structures and mechanisms that govern currency valuations.
Ans 6.
Exchange rate systems are pivotal frameworks that determine how a country’s currency is valued against others, influencing international trade, investment, and economic stability. These systems can vary widely from country to country, depending on their specific economic policies and objectives.