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Set – 1
- Management is regarded as science, an art and a profession. Explain.
Ans 1.
- Management as Science, Art, and Profession
Management is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses elements of science, art, and profession. Its study and practice involve systematic principles, creativity, and professional conduct, making it a blend of these three dimensions. Each aspect contributes uniquely to its effectiveness in organizational settings.
Management as a Science
Management qualifies as a science
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- Differentiate between Systems Approach and Contingency Approach
Ans 2.
Differences Between Systems Approach and Contingency Approach
The Systems Approach and the Contingency Approach are two prominent perspectives in management theory. Both provide unique frameworks for understanding and addressing organizational challenges, but they differ significantly in their focus and application.
Systems Approach
The Systems Approach views an
- Discuss the different types of planning premises.
Ans 3.
Types of Planning Premises
Planning premises are the assumptions or forecasts that serve as the foundation for developing organizational plans. These premises help managers anticipate the future and prepare strategies
Set – 2
- Describe any two types of organizational structures.
Ans 4.
Types of Organizational Structures
Organizational structures define how tasks are allocated, authority is distributed, and communication flows within a company. These structures determine the hierarchy and relationships between various roles, influencing overall efficiency and adaptability. Two common types of
- Discuss the internal sources of Recruitment in an organisation.
Ans 5.
Internal Sources of Recruitment in an Organization
Recruitment is a crucial function of human resource management that focuses on attracting, selecting, and appointing suitable candidates for job vacancies. Internal sources of recruitment refer to filling
- ‘Planning is looking ahead, whereas controlling is looking back.’ Explain.
Ans 6.
‘Planning is Looking Ahead, Whereas Controlling is Looking Back’
Planning and controlling are integral functions of management, and their interdependence ensures organizational efficiency. The statement “Planning is looking ahead, whereas controlling is looking back” highlights