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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Discuss Philip Crosby’s Four Absolutes of Quality with suitable example.

Ans 1.

Philip Crosby’s Four Absolutes of Quality

Philip Crosby, a renowned quality management guru, introduced the “Four Absolutes of Quality Management,” which outline the principles required for achieving excellence in quality. His approach emphasizes the importance of building quality into the process rather than relying on inspections to catch errors. The Four Absolutes are as follows:

1.      Quality is Conformance



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  1. Who is customer? Discuss the different types of customers with suitable example. 3+7

Ans 2.


A customer is an individual, organization, or entity that purchases goods or services from a business in exchange for value, typically monetary. Customers are the focal point of any business, as their satisfaction determines the success and sustainability of the organization. They can be categorized based on their interaction with the company and their influence on the business’s



  1. What is cost of quality? Why is it important to measure? List common costs of poor quality.

Ans 3.

Cost of Quality

The cost of quality (CoQ) refers to the total cost incurred to ensure that a product or service meets quality standards. It includes costs related to preventing defects, identifying defects, and the consequences of defects, such as rework or customer dissatisfaction. CoQ is broadly categorized into four components: prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs. By tracking these costs, organizations can identify areas where improvements are necessary to minimize waste and enhance quality, ultimately boosting profitability and


Assignment Set – 2



  1. What is meant by Benchmarking? What are the different types of Benchmarking?

Ans 4.


Benchmarking is a strategic process in which an organization evaluates its practices, performance, and processes against those of industry leaders or competitors. The objective of benchmarking is to identify areas for improvement, adopt best practices, and enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness. It involves analyzing metrics such as productivity, cost, quality, and customer


  1. Write short notes on the following concepts:
  2. a) Recognition and rewards
  3. b) Suggestion systems

Ans 5.

  1. a) Recognition and Rewards

Recognition and rewards are essential components of organizational culture that motivate employees, enhance job satisfaction, and improve overall performance. Recognition refers to acknowledging and appreciating employees for their achievements, contributions, or efforts, while rewards are tangible or intangible benefits given as a token of appreciation. Both play a critical role in fostering a positive work environment and encouraging a high-performance culture.

Recognition can take various forms, such as verbal praise, written commendations, or public



  1. Discuss about Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award in detail.

Ans 6.

The Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award (RGNQA) is one of India’s most prestigious awards, established to recognize and promote excellence in quality across various industries and sectors. Introduced in 1991 by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the award commemorates the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s vision of a modern and progressive India driven by high