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Assignment Set – 1
- What do you understand by Reactive Change? Explain Kurt Lewin’s Three – Stage Organisational Change Model.
Ans 1.
Reactive Change
Reactive change refers to the changes that companies make due to unexpected circumstances and external demands. In contrast to proactive change, which is planned and implemented to take advantage of opportunities or avoid possible problems, reactive change is a result of internal or external disruptions which require prompt attention. These changes are usually triggered by external factors like recessions, market volatility and technological advances, competitive pressures or changes to regulations. Reactive changes are usually urgent and can involve cutting costs, restructuring
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- Explain the factors involved in communicating change.
Ans 2.
Factors Involved in Communicating Change
Effective communication is essential in managing change in an organization. Consistent, clear and strategic communication can reduce uncertainty, increase confidence, and create an optimistic attitude towards changes. The most important aspects of communicating change are understanding the target audience, crafting clear messages, choosing the right methods, timing, leadership participation, and feedback mechanisms.
Understanding the audience: The
- What do you understand by Organized Resistance? Explain the behavioural reactions of employees towards change.
Ans 3.
Organized Resistance
Organized resistance is a group effort that is coordinated by members of an organization to resist changes being made. In contrast to individual resistance, which can be nebulous and personal the organized resistance is more formal and usually involves formal actions like strikes, petitions or alliances formed to oppose the changes. This kind of resistance could severely hinder the process of change and lead to delays, higher costs and the possibility of failure of the change initiative. Understanding and
Assignment Set – 2
- Explain different types of change strategies ?
Ans 4.
Types of Change Strategies
Organizations employ a variety of change strategies to implement and manage changes efficiently. These strategies can be classified into four categories that are: Participative, Directive, Incremental, and Transformational. Each strategy is unique and can be used for various kinds of organizational change.
Directive Change
- What do you understand by change agents? Explain the different types of change agents.
Ans 5.
Understanding Change Agents
Change agents are the individuals or groups that are responsible for facilitating and driving changes within an organization. They play an essential role as they guide, implement, and making sure that change initiatives are successful. initiatives. Change agents assist organizations in navigating through changes by providing leadership as well as expertise and support. They are catalysts for change, dealing with the resistance of stakeholders and urging them to adopt new procedures technology, practices
- Highlight the concept of ‘ Learning Organisations’. Explain different types of learning.
Ans 6.
Concept of Learning Organizations
A learning-oriented organization is one which continuously improves its capabilities by promoting and encouraging the development of its employees and continuously transforming itself. The concept was first introduced in the work of Peter Senge in “The Fifth Discipline,” stresses the importance of creating a culture in which continuous learning and improvement are essential to the operation of