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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Define Technology Management. Differentiate between product and process technology. Give examples.

Ans 1.

Definition of Technology Management

Technology Management refers to the systematic planning, development, implementation, and control of technological resources within an organization to achieve business goals and create a competitive advantage. It involves integrating technology into organizational processes to enhance efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Technology Management is crucial for identifying emerging


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  1. Define Technology change and Technology lifecycle. What are the reasons that compel a firm to go for technological change? Justify your answer by taking a suitable example.

Ans 2.

Technology Change, Technology Lifecycle, and Reasons for Technological Change

Technology change refers to the evolution, modification, or replacement of existing technologies to improve processes, products, or services. It involves adopting innovations that can enhance productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. Technological change is driven by factors like market demands



  1. Explain innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards in the technology diffusion process? Explain this by taking 3-d printers as example.

Ans 3.

Technology Diffusion Process

The technology diffusion process refers to how a new innovation spreads through a population over time. This process is divided into five adopter categories, each representing a segment of the population with distinct characteristics and behaviors regarding the adoption of new technology.

Taking the example of 3D printers


Assignment Set – 2



  1. Explain Technology Transfer process with a neat block diagram. List and explain different modes and different ways of Technology Transfer. Explain each one taking a relevant example

Ans 4.

Technology Transfer Process

Technology transfer refers to the process of sharing or moving technological knowledge, skills, and innovations from one entity to another, such as from research institutions to industries or between companies. This process is essential for advancing innovation, fostering economic growth, and bridging the gap between research and application.

Technology Transfer Process

The process of technology transfer



  1. Define Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discuss the role and impact of AI in Technology Management. 3+7

Ans 5.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Role in Technology Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think, reason, and learn like humans. AI encompasses various technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. Its primary objective is to enable



  1. Explain briefly the Technology Assessment and Environmental Impact Analysis framework with a neat block diagram

Ans 6.

Technology Assessment and Environmental Impact Analysis Framework

Technology Assessment (TA) is a systematic process of evaluating the potential effects of a technology on society, the economy, and the environment. It involves analyzing the benefits, risks, and uncertainties associated with a new technology to guide decision-making and ensure responsible adoption. TA aims to identify both opportunities and challenges to maximize the positive impact